Cabinet is requested to:
1. Give authority to officers to increase the programme budget above £2.4m for an additional £1.6m. This is to be funded entirely from HRA capital resources in the second project budget year 2022-2023.
2. Delegated authority to extend the legal contract with the successful tenderer to encompass the full scope of works as tendered with the Corporate Community Director - Housing, in consultation with the Portfolio Holders for Housing and Finance & Resources.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Expenditure and Ward;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards/Areas affected: (All Wards/Areas);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 25/08/2021
Anticipated restriction: Part exempt - View reasons
Category: Community;
Urgent: No;
Decision due: 21 October 2021 by Cabinet
Lead Member: Councillor Graham Henson; Councillor Phillip O'Dell
Lead member: Housing Portfolio Holder, Leader
Lead director: Julian Higson
Department: Community Directorate
Contact: Divisional Director, Housing Services Email: , Tel: 020 8424 1339.
Consultation process
Corporate Strategic Board, Portfolio Holder for Housing, Portfolio Holder for Finance and Resources.