Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Thursday 29 June 2006 7.30 pm

Venue: Committee Rooms 1 & 2 Harrow Civic Centre

Contact: Alison Atherton, Senior Professional Democratic Services (Corporate)  Tel: 020 8424 1266 Email:

No. Item


RECOMMENDATION I - Replacement of Metropolitan Line Trains


The Portfolio Holder for Urban Living – Public Realm advised that the local press had, that day, reported that there were radical plans proposed in relation to the Metropolitan Line, including a substantial reduction in the number of seats provided.  Given the difficulties experienced by many commuters travelling from Harrow on the Hill to London, she suggested that the Council might wish to urge London Underground to ensure the fullest consideration of the needs of all users of the Tube before the final design was approved.


Resolved to RECOMMEND:


That the Council contact London Underground to seek the fullest possible consultation in relation to the proposals for the Metropolitan Line.


Reason for Recommendation:  Given the number of commuters who lived in Harrow, it was necessary to ensure consultation on the needs of all users of the Metropolitan Line.


(See also Minute 17).



Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of personal or prejudicial interests, arising from business to be transacted at this meeting, from:


(a)               all Members of the Committee, Sub Committee, Panel or Forum;

(b)               all other Members present in any part of the room or chamber.


RESOLVED:  To note that no interests were declared by Members present in relation to the business to be transacted at the meeting.



Of the Cabinet meeting held on 8 June 2006, having been circulated, to be taken as read and signed as a correct record.


RESOLVED:  That the minutes of the meeting held on 8 June 2006, having been circulated, be taken as read and signed as a correct record.


Arrangement of Agenda

To consider whether any of the items listed on the agenda should be considered with the press and public excluded on the grounds that it is thought likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted, that there would be disclosure of confidential information in breach of an obligation of confidence or of exempt information as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).


The Chairman indicated that he had been notified of two items of any other business, one of which he considered to be urgent due to a press report that day.  This related to the replacement of Metropolitan Line trains.


RESOLVED:  That all business be considered with the press and public present.



To receive petitions (if any) submitted by members of the public/Councillors.


RESOLVED:  To note that no petitions had been received.


Public Questions

To receive any public questions received in accordance with paragraph 16 of the Executive Procedure Rules.


(Note:  Paragraph 16 of the Executive Procedure Rules stipulates that questions will be asked in the order notice of them was received and that there be a time limit of 15 minutes.)


RESOLVED:  To note that no public questions had been received.


Councillor Question Time

Fifteen minutes will be allowed for Members of the Council to question members of the Executive on issues relating to items on the agenda for the meeting and issues arising from the minutes of the previous meeting.


RESOLVED:  To note that no questions from Councillors had been received.


Strategic Performance Report - Quarter 4 2005/2006

Report of the Director of People, Performance and Policy


The Executive Director (Business Development) introduced the report to the Performance Board and highlighted the key challenges, the areas requiring further work and the key improvers.  She added that the structure of future reports would focus on key challenges, where improvements were required and would highlight actions to be taken.


RESOLVED:  That (1) the key performance challenges facing the Council be noted and followed up through the relevant Lead Member and officer;


(2) the specific performance improvements be noted.


Reason for Decision:  It had previously been agreed that Cabinet would receive a quarterly monitoring information report in its role as Performance Board.  The strategic performance report enabled Members to form a coherent strategic view of the Council’s performance in achieving corporate priorities and to provide leadership on performance management.


Forward Plan 1 July - 31 October 2006


The Portfolio Holder for Issues facing People with Special Needs commented that the planned reprovision of Wiseworks required inclusion in a future plan.


RESOLVED:  To note the contents of the Forward Plan for the period 1 July – 31 October 2006.


Reports from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee or Sub-Committees

(if any).


RESOLVED:  To note that no reports had been received.


Public Meetings of Cabinet: Question Time

Report of the Director of Corporate Governance


The Portfolio Holder for Strategic Overview and External Affairs introduced the report, which proposed quarterly meetings with the public so that they could question Portfolio Holders on how well they were meeting their priorities.  It was intended that an independent person would chair the public meetings.


RESOLVED:  That quarterly public meetings be held to enable members of the public to question Portfolio Holders on the performance of the Council.


Reason for Decision:  To assist in making Portfolio Holders accountable to the public.


Corporate Governance Update

Report of the Director of Corporate Governance


The Director of Corporate Governance introduced the report, which outlined the progress made on Corporate Governance during 2005/06 and identified work required in 2006/07 to improve the Council’s Governance arrangements.  He highlighted the key achievements in 2005/06 and the work mainstreams for 2006/07.


Members commented that Councillors would benefit from training in relation to risk management. It was also suggested that training for Portfolio Holders in their new roles would be useful.  These issues would be raised with the Member Development Panel.


RESOLVED:  That the progress made on Corporate Governance during 2005/06 and the planned improvements for 2006/07 be noted.


Reason for Decision:  To update Members on the Council’s Corporate Governance framework and to clarify the Council’s Governance arrangements.  


Revenue and Capital Outturn 2005/6

Report of the Director of Financial and Business Strategy


An officer introduced the report and advised that the Council’s accounts for 2005/06 had now been provisionally closed, subject to audit.  She referred to the net overspend of £3.1m in 2005/06 which would leave reserves of £2.5m following contributions to provisions.  She advised that the reasons for the variations were set out in the appendices to the report and that the Audit Committee had, on 27 June 2006, agreed the changes to provisions detailed in appendix 4.


The Portfolio Holder for Business Development emphasised the seriousness of the Council‘s financial position and the need to re?establish a minimum level of reserves.


RESOLVED:  That (1) the provisional 2005/06 Revenue and Capital Outturn be received;


(2)  two of the revenue carry forward requests, as set out in Appendix 3 to the report of the Director of Financial and Business Strategy be approved, subject to budget adjustments in 2006/07;


(3)  it be noted that capital carry forward requests had been scaled down due to a lack of resources and;


(4)  the comments of the Audit Committee be noted.


Reason for Decision:  To effectively review the Council’s provisional revenue and capital outturn for 2005/06 to enhance good governance and financial stewardship.  


Financial Position

Report of the Director of Financial and Business Strategy


The Executive Director (Business Development) introduced the report, which provided the background for managing the current year’s budget and developing the new Medium Term Strategy for 2007?08 to 2009?10.  She emphasised the Council’s difficult financial position, the reasons for it, and drew attention to the level of savings required, as set out in the report.  She advised that officers were working to identify how savings could be made and added that a further report would be submitted to Cabinet in August.


The Portfolio Holder for Business Development indicated that the Administration was mindful of the risks associated with the Council’s financial position. 


RESOLVED:  That the overall savings target contained within the report of the Director of Financial and Business Strategy be adopted.


Reason for Decision:  To note the Council’s serious adverse financial position and the critical financial implications arising.


Use of Resources - Improvement Plan

Report of the Director of Financial and Business Strategy


An officer introduced the report, which set out the improvement plan to improve the Council’s Use of Resources score. She advised that the Use of Resources assessment was one strand of the Comprehensive Performance Assessment (CPA) carried out by the Audit Commission and drew attention to appendix 2 of the report, which detailed the key areas for improvement.


RESOLVED:  That the content of the Use of Resources Improvement Plan be noted.


Reason for Decision:  To meet external audit requirements and to ensure that there was a clear plan in place to improve the Use of Resources score.


Key Decision - Voluntary Aided Hindu Primary School

Report of the Executive Directors of People First and Urban Living


The Executive Director (People First) introduced the report, which proposed authorising officers to open negotiations regarding a suitable site for the proposed Voluntary Aided Hindu Primary School.


The Portfolio Holder for Property, Housing and Planning (Development) and Planning (Strategic) emphasised that the report sought authority for officers to begin negotiations in relation to the site and that this was the first part of the process.  The Chairman advised that he had received confirmation from a Government officer that the issue of the Statutory Notices would be delayed until September 2006.


RESOLVED:  (1) That officers be authorised to commence negotiations with the I?Foundation in relation to a site for the proposed school;


(2) to note that should the Pinner Park Farm site be a possibility as a site for the school, it would establish a Hindu School as part of a package which secured the future of a larger section of Pinner Park Farm lying to the east of George V Avenue as land with public access, in conjunction with an Eco-Education centre and create a separate farm, operated by the existing tenants, on a new agricultural tenancy in respect of the existing farmland to the south west of George V Avenue;


(3)  that a further report on negotiations referred to in resolution (1) above and any proposed terms be submitted to a future meeting.


Reason for Decision:  The promoter had started the statutory process to consult in relation to the new school.  The Council’s existing tenant of Pinner Park Farm had now approached the Council with a view to formally opening negotiations.


The proposed school would meet the aspirations of a large community in Harrow and would give Harrow a national profile.  The proposed school would provide some balance to the diverse needs of Harrow’s faith community for educational provision. 


Key Decision - Replacement Residential Unit for 79 Bessborough Road

Report of the Director of Adult Community Care Services


The Executive Director (People First) introduced the report, which advised of an urgent need to develop a replacement residential provision for the Learning Disability Residential Unit at 79 Bessborough Road.  This accommodation did not currently meet the Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI) or Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) standards.  She drew attention to a tabled amendment to recommendation 1 of the report.


RESOLVED:  That (1) it be agreed, in principle, to the use of land anywhere within the Byron Park site for the development of a new learning disability residential unit, as set out in the illustrative plans at Annex A to the report of the Director of Adult Community Care;


(2)  the Executive Director (Urban Living) be authorised to undertake the necessary public advertisement in connection with the appropriation of the former Driving Centre site and to consider any objections received;


(3)  the Executive Director (Urban Living) be authorised to appropriate the former Driving Centre site on behalf of the Council if he considered the same appropriate after considering any objections received;


(4)  the Executive Director (Urban Living) be authorised to agree to the disposal of the Bessborough Road site, terms to be agreed in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Property, Housing Planning (Development) and Planning (Strategic), in order to achieve a capital receipt;


(5)  depending on the outcome of the project team’s deliberations on the future provision of emergency residential accommodation, it be agreed that the application of any capital receipt from the disposal of Bessborough Road site be partially offset against the cost of the new development at the former Driving Centre site;


(6)  the Executive Director (Urban Living) be authorised to agree to terms and conclude an agreement with Warden Housing to enable access through Warden’s Coxe Place development to the new facility.


Reason for Decision:  The Bessborough Road facility must be replaced to meet the needs of the current learning disabled population of Harrow and to create a flexible facility which will meet the CSCI and DDA standard.


Key Decision - Annual Food Service Plan

Report of the Executive Director (Urban Living)


The Portfolio Holder for Urban Living – Pubic Realm introduced the report and advised that the Foods Standards Agency, under the powers contained in the Food Standards Act 1999 had dictated that all authorities must have an Annual Food Service Plan in place.  The Annual Food Service Plan would form an integral part of service planning arrangements reflecting the work at a team level and building up to the service wide plans developed in support of the corporate performance management framework.


RESOLVED:  That the Annual Food Service Plan 2006/07 be approved.


Reason for Decision:  The Council was required by the Food Standards Act 1999 to consider and formally approve an annual food service plan covering enforcement activities.


Key Decision - Petts Hill Bridge Improvement Scheme

Report of the Executive Director (Urban Living)


The Portfolio Holder for Urban Living – Public Realm introduced the report, which advised of Transport for London’s formal agreement to contribute £4m towards a new bridge scheme that, with contributions from Network Rail, Ealing and Harrow, completed the funding package.  The report also sought authority to proceed with the new bridge scheme and sought delegated powers to facilitate the design and implementation process.


The Portfolio Holder for Urban Living – Public Realm drew attention to the caveats to the proposals set out in the report and advised that she had spoken to her counterpart at the London Borough of Ealing who had advised that the bus lane on the approach to the bridge would not be removed so as not to jeopardise the Scheme.  An officer outlined the challenges facing the Scheme.


RESOLVED:   That (1) officers be authorised to proceed with the design and implementation of the Petts Hill Bridge Improvement Scheme, subject to consideration of detailed issues such as traffic orders by the Traffic and Road Safety Advisory Panel and/or the Portfolio Holder for Urban Living – Public Realm, and that


(2) a further report providing updates on progress and cost estimates be submitted to Cabinet when the tender prices for the main construction work (bridge and highways) were known;


(3) the Executive Director (Urban Living) be delegated authority in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Urban Living – Public Realm to enter into legal agreements with Network Rail, Transport for London and Ealing Council relating to the site, funding, land matters, development and implementation of the Scheme;


(4)  that the Executive Director (Urban Living), in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Urban Living – Public Realm, be delegated authority to authorise key procurement decisions in relation to the Scheme implementation, subject to full and transparent compliance with relevant procurement and Best Value legislation leading to any such decision.


Reason for Decision:  To enable officers to progress the Scheme implementation.


Councillor Lavingia


The Portfolio Holder for Community Equality advised that Councillor Lavingia had been hospitalised and Cabinet subsequently indicated their hope for his speedy recovery.


(See also Minute 17).


Any Other Urgent Business - Replacement of Metropolitan Line Trains


(See Recommendation I).