Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Thursday 29 July 2004 7.30 pm

Venue: Committee Rooms 1 & 2 Harrow Civic Centre

Contact: Alison Brooker, Cabinet Co-ordinator  Tel: 020 8424 1266 Email:

No. Item


RECOMMENDATION I - Service and Financial Planning Process 2005-06 to 2007-08


Cabinet considered a joint report of the Director of Organisational Performance (Organisational Development) and the Director of Financial and Business Strategy (Business Connections) on the Service and Financial Planning Process 2005-06 to 2007-08.


Cabinet noted that, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution, they were required to propose to the Council a timetable for the consideration of the budget.  Cabinet noted that the report and its appendices contained:


·                     a summary of proposed improvements to the services and financial planning process;


·                     a service planning and budget timetable 2005/06;


·                     proposals for developing high level service plans and the Medium Term Budget Strategy up to 2007-08 and developing detailed service plans and budgets for 2005?06.


Following consideration of the report, Cabinet


Resolved to RECOMMEND:


That the budget timetable set out at Appendix C to the officer report be approved.


Reason for Recommendation:  To recommend a budget timetable to prepare the 2005-06 budget for consultation at the meeting of the Cabinet in December 2004 and to meet statutory requirements to set a legal budget, determine the Council Tax Base and report the surplus/deficit on the Collection Fund.


(See also Minute 552).



Cabinet Agenda


The Chief Executive apologised to Members for the size and length of the Cabinet agenda for consideration that evening.


She commented that whilst there was a great deal of business to be considered, the size of the agenda was not conducive to good decision?making.  She mentioned that she had discussed this with her management team and agreed that the style/format of reporting ought to be altered to make reports easy to digest and that this would soon be put into practice.


Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of personal or prejudicial interests, arising from business to be transacted at this meeting, from all Members present.


RESOLVED: To note that the following interests were declared:


Agenda Item



Nature of Interest

14.     Extension of Community Schools Programme

Councillor Miss Lyne

The Member indicated a personal interest in that she was a Member of the Cedars First and Middle Schools’ governing body. The Member would remain in the room whilst the matter was considered and voted upon.


23.     Procurement of the Housing Capital Programme for 2005/6, 2006/7 and 2007/8.



Councillor Miss Lyne

The Member indicated a personal interest in that she was a member of the Shadow Board for the ALMO.  The Member would remain in the room whilst the matter was considered and voted upon.


27.     Green Belt Management Strategy

Councillor Miss Lyne

The Member indicated a personal interest in that she was a Member of Harrow Weald Common Conservators.  The Member would remain in the room whilst the matter was considered and voted upon.



Of the Cabinet meeting held on 24 June 2004, having been circulated, to be taken as read and signed as a correct record.


RESOLVED:  That the minutes of the meeting held on 24 June 2004, having been circulated, be taken as read and signed as a correct record.


Arrangement of Agenda

To consider whether any of the items listed on the agenda should be considered with the press and public excluded.


RESOLVED:  That all business be considered with the press and public present with the exception of the following items for the reasons set out below:-





29.     Treasury Management Annual Report – Borrowing and Lending Activities 2003-04







The report contained exempt information under paragraph 7 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended), in that it contained information relating to the financial or business affairs of a particular person, ie Company, other than the Council.

30.     Key - Social Care PFI Project (Community Resources Centres for People with Learning Disabilities) and Housing PFI Project

The report contained exempt information under paragraphs 8 and 9 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended,) in that it contained (1) information relating to the amount of any expenditure proposed to be incurred by the authority under any particular contract for the acquisition of property or the supply of goods or services and (2) any terms proposed or to be proposed by or to the authority in the course of negotiations for a contract for the acquisition or disposal of property or the supply of goods or services.


31.     Arts Culture Harrow

The report contained exempt information under paragraph 7 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended), in that it contained information relating to the financial or business affairs of a particular person (other than the authority).



To receive petitions (if any) submitted by members of the public/Councillors.


Councillor Miss Lyne submitted a petition containing 120 signatures from the residents of Wynchgate and Whitegate Gardens on an urgent matter of public safety.  She read the terms of the petition to the meeting which were as follows:


“We, the undersigned residents of Wynchgate and Whitegate Gardens, petition the Council on an urgent matter of public safety. Recently an ambulance was obstructed by school parking on and around the small roundabout at the junction of Wynchgate and Whitegate Gardens.  We fear that owing to this constant inconsiderate parking any emergency vehicle will be delayed leading to serious consequences for local residents.


We, therefore, urge the Council to consider further and effective parking restrictions during the School Safety Zone period.  These restrictions should apply to the area surrounding the small roundabout for the safety of all residents.”


RESOLVED:  That the petition be submitted to the Traffic and Road Safety Advisory Panel for consideration.


Public Questions

To receive any public questions received in accordance with paragraph 15 of the Executive Procedure Rules.


(Note:  Paragraph 15 of the Executive Procedure Rules stipulates that questions will be asked in the order notice of them was received and that there be a time limit of 15 minutes.)


RESOLVED:  To note the following public questions:


Under Rule 15 of the Executive Procedure Rules, members of the public may question the Executive and Portfolio Holders at meetings. There is a time limit of 15 minutes for the asking and answering of public questions.





Mr Pravin Seedher, 53 Hawthorn Drive, Harrow, Middlesex


Asked of:

Councillor Archie Foulds (Leader of the Council and Chair of Cabinet)



“What facilities does the Council make available to assist Harrow residents wishing to pay the Council Tax bill throughout the course of the financial year in a way that reflects their own financial circumstances and cash flow?”





Mr Berjis Daver, 13 Clonard Way, Pinner, Middlesex, HA5 4BT


Asked of:

Councillor Bill Stephenson (Portfolio Holder for Education and Lifelong Learning)



“Please provide figures for 2002/3 – 2003/4 and 2004/5 for all Schools and Education budgets showing money passported through from Government and (separately) money allocated locally over and above any Government funding?”





Mr Michael Horam, 31 Hiliary Gardens, Stanmore, Middlesex, HA7 2NH


Asked of:

Councillor Sanjay Dighé (Portfolio Holder for Finance and Human Resources and Performance Management)



“Could you please provide me with numbers of staff in middle management/professional grade 3 and management/ professional grade 4 at 31 March year end in 2001-2002-2003 and 2004?”


[Note 1: In the absence of the Leader an oral answer was provided to question (1) by the Chair at the meeting.  He also undertook to provide a written response to the questioner.  Under the provisions of Executive Procedure Rule 15.4, the questioner asked one supplementary question which was additionally answered. 


Note 2: The Portfolio Holder for Education and Lifelong Learning provided an oral answer to question (2) and supplied to the questioner a detailed analysis of the figures requested.


Note 3: In response to question (3), the Borough Solicitor stated that questions relating to individual cases and/or matters relating to staffing and conditions of service were not permitted under the Council’s Constitution and that the questioner had been informed of this.  However, a written response would be sent to the questioner by the Director of Organisational Effectiveness and Human Resources.  In addition, the Chair undertook to ask the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Human Resources and Performance Management to telephone the questioner on this matter].


Forward Plan 1 July - 31 October 2004


RESOLVED:  To note the contents of the Forward Plan for the period 1 July – 31 October 2004.


Reports from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee or Sub-Committees

Report of the Executive Director (People First)


Members considered a reference from the Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Sub-Committee on the Scrutiny Review of Special Educational Needs (SEN) Processes together with a report of the Executive Director (People First). 


The Executive Director (People First) reported that the Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Sub?Committee had conducted a major review of the processes of special educational needs (SEN) with a view to improving communications for parents and carers and the criteria for assessment.  He referred Members to the recommendation set out on page 7 of his covering report.


The Portfolio Holder for Education and Lifelong Learning and the Leader of the Conservative Group stated that the report of the Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Sub-Committee was outstanding, and following a discussion on the extent of Member-level involvement on the discussion proposed in the recommendation, it was  


RESOLVED:  That the Scrutiny Review Report on Special Educational Needs (SEN) Processes be noted and that the Portfolio Holder for Education and Lifelong Learning discuss this report with officers and the Chair of the Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Sub?Committee and that a report be submitted to a future meeting of the Cabinet.


Reason for Decision:  To consider the issues raised in the Scrutiny Report.


[Note:  Councillors C Mote, D Ashton and Miss Lyne, whilst supportive of the report, wished to be recorded as having voted against the resolution above as they were of the view that the discussions between the Portfolio Holder, Officers and the Chair of the Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Sub-Committee ought to be cross?party and involve Members of the Conservative and Liberal Democrat Groups].


Chief Executive's Directorate - Reorganisation

Report of the Chief Executive


The Chief Executive introduced her report which outlined proposals to restructure parts of her Directorate, namely the Law and Administration Division and the Communications Unit.  She reported that discussions with the Leaders of all parties had taken place and that a copy of the report by Tribal, a firm of consultants appointed to carry out a review of the Law and Administration Division, had also been made available to the party leaders.


She drew Members’ attention to Appendix D of her report and stated that the structure set out therein was indicative only and that its purpose was to set out all the new posts that she was proposing.  She accepted that the incoming Director of Legal Services may wish to alter the reporting lines within that structure but assured Members that this would be at no extra cost to the Council.


The Chief Executive informed Members that once the Directorate of Corporate Governance had been appointed, Council would have to delegate the duties of the Monitoring Officer to the incumbent.


In response to questions from a Member, she explained how the net costs would be offset against recharges and savings in other areas.  Members were given assurances that the savings envisaged were achievable.


RESOLVED:  That the restructure of the Chief Executive’s Directorate, as described in the Chief Executive’s report, be approved, and its implementation be authorised.


Reason for Decision:  To enable the Directorate better to meet the needs of the Council, its clients and customers. 


Service and Financial Planning Process 2005-06 to 2007-08

Report of the Director of Financial and Business Strategy and Director of Organisational Performance


(See also Recommendation I).


The Director of Financial and Business Strategy introduced her report and drew out the salient points therein.  She drew Members’ attention to Appendix C and identified the 2 key phases in the Budget Process which would all culminate in reports to Cabinet in October and December 2004.  She also referred to paragraph 5.12 of her report and suggested that Cabinet might wish to involve Members in joining the Budget Review Working Group meeting in September, other than those suggested by officers.  The Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group suggested the need to involve Independent Members.  The Chair accepted the principle of involving Independent Members. However it was important to discuss this first with the Members concerned.


A Member stated that the early part of the consultation stage would be critical and emphasised the need to avoid the process adopted in the previous year which he considered to have been a failure.


The Chair, in disagreeing with the latter comment, stated that there were lessons to be learnt from the manner in which consultations had been carried out in the previous year and assured Members that cross?party discussions would take place so as to achieve meaningful consultations.


RESOLVED:  (See Recommendation I).


Revenue Budget Monitoring 2004-05 as at 30 June 2004

Report of the Director of Financial and Business Strategy


Members were briefed on the above-mentioned report and, in so doing, the Director of Financial and Business Strategy identified the issues and risks in the Corporate, People First and Urban Living Service areas.  She added that, as a result, budgets were being monitored closely and outlined the actions being taken to address the risks.


She reported that profiling of budgets was an issue and assured Members that officers were seeking to make considerable improvements in this area.


A Member stated that Cabinet ought to be concerned about the significant variances between budget and reported current spend in the context of a balanced budget at year end and cited examples from within the officer report.  The Director of Financial and Business Strategy responded to the concerns raised and reiterated the issue of profiling.  She undertook to provide further information in regard to the Community Care budget. 


RESOLVED:  (1)  That the current revenue budget position be noted;


(2)  that it be noted that management action will bring the budget into line in the current year.


Reason for Decision:  To monitor the Council’s Revenue Budget effectively.


Capital Investment Monitoring 2004-05

Report of the Director of Financial and Business Strategy


The Director of Financial and Business Strategy introduced her report and drew out the salient points therein.  She drew Members’ attention to paragraph 10.2 of her report and once again highlighted the issue of profiling of budgets.  She informed Members that Scott Wilson had been appointed to establish the Council’s capital programme office and that this work would include profiling budgets.  She stated that the position ought to be much clearer by the end of the second quarter.


RESOLVED:  (1)  That the report be noted;


(2)  that the addition to the Capital Investment Plan of the Schemes itemised in paragraph 7.1 (and not 6.3 as stated in the officer report) of the officer report totalling £0.455m, for which additional funding is available, be approved.


Reason for Decision:  To develop and manage the Council’s Capital Investment Plan.


Improvement Plan 2004/05

Report of the Executive Director (Organisational Development)


In introducing the report, the Executive Director (Organisational Development) corrected the typographical error in paragraph 6.2 of the report and stated that:


·                     the revised Improvement Plan replaced the 2003-04 Improvement Plan;


·                     the revised Plan drew together the different strands of improvement activity taking place across Harrow;


·                     the key drivers were set out in Appendix A, paragraph 6.3.


She added that the Improvement Plan was organised under six focus areas which mirrored those contained within the Corporate Plan and mentioned that the Plan would be monitored through quarterly exception reports to Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


RESOLVED:  That the Improvement Plan 2004/05 be agreed.


Reason for Decision:  To provide Members with a more coherent view of the Council’s improvement activities across the Borough.


Race Equality Scheme Year 2 (2003/04) Progress and Year 3 (2004/05) Improvements

Report of the Chief Executive


The Executive Director (Organisational Development) introduced the report and highlighted the importance of mainstreaming equalities in Council services, especially at the point of service delivery.


She pointed out that the current Scheme would have to be reviewed in future years as the process was overly bureaucratic and that there was a need to take a strategic approach in order to ensure that meaningful information was available.


The Chair also highlighted the importance of mainstreaming equalities and called for an integrated approach to the provision of services.


RESOLVED:  (1)  That the progress made in service delivery and employment for the second year of Harrow’s Race Equality Scheme, 1 June 2003 to 31 May 2004, be noted;


(2)  that the improvements to be made for Year 3 (2004/05) be noted;


(3)  that a progress report be submitted to Cabinet in a year’s time (July 2005).


Reason for Decision:  To comply with the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 and Harrow’s commitments under its Race Equality Scheme as well as organisational changes within the Authority. 


Best Value Reviews

Report of Executive Director (Organisational Development)


The Panel considered recommendations from the Best Value Advisory Panel on the First Contact Best Value Review and the Council’s Best Value Review Programme, together with a covering report of the Executive Director (Organisational Development).  


The Executive Director (Organisational Development) introduced her report and made references to the recommendations from the Best Value Advisory Panel on the First Contact Best Value Review and the Council‘s Best Value Review Programme.


In response to a question from a Member with regard to the First Contact Best Value Review, she stated that all the actions set out at Appendix 1 to the report had been taken.  She pointed out that the First Contact Strategy was dependent on the ICT Strategic Review.


The Portfolio Holder for Social Services welcomed this Review and looked forward to its delivery.


In relation to the Council’s Best Value Review Programme, the Executive Director (Organisational Development) stated that the review of the Law and Administration had been the subject of a report which had been considered earlier that evening (Minute 551 refers).


RESOLVED:  (1)  That the proposed actions on First Contact, summarised at paragraph 6.1.2 of the officer covering report, be noted;


Reason for Decision:  To enable progress to be made on the First Contact Review.


(2)  that the revised Best Value Review programme at Appendix 4 be agreed, subject to Resolution (5) below;


(3)  that the review work based on the old programme be terminated;


(4)  that the recommendation from the Best Value Advisory Panel meeting held on 28 April 2004 in relation to First Contact be agreed;


(5)  that the recommendations of the Best Value Advisory Panel held on 28 April 2004 in relation to the Best Value Review Programme 2004/06 be agreed with the exception of the review of the Law and Administration Division, which had been the subject of a separate report elsewhere on this agenda.


Reasons for Decision:  To enable a focussed and sustainable review programme to be implemented.


Key Decision - Extension of Community Schools Programme

Report of the Executive Director (People First)


Members considered the report of the Executive Director (People First) on the Extension of the Community Schools Programme together with a report of the Overview and Scrutiny Review Group on the proposed roll?out of the Community Schools’ initiative. 

The Executive Director (People First) introduced his report and highlighted successes of the pilot programmes.  He reported that whilst £400k of revenue funding was currently available to extend the programme, the funding for completing it would require consideration within the Council’s MTBS in 2005/06.


He added that the majority of the recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Review Group on the proposed roll?out of the Community Schools’ initiative had been taken into account in the evaluation of the pilots and the proposed roll-out.


The Portfolio Holder for Education and Lifelong Learning congratulated all those involved in this work and stated that real benefits were likely to be achieved from this concept in the longer term.  He remarked on the positive attitude of the schools to the concept of extended/community schools and the desire to have future programmes planned and costed.


In commending the report to Cabinet, the Portfolio Holder moved a motion to include an addition to the recommendations set out in the officer report, a copy of which was tabled at the meeting. The Leader of the Conservative Group welcomed the report and spoke in support of the motion.  However, he highlighted the need to ensure that the impact of extended hours programmes would not fall on schools’ budgets. He also enquired if local residents had been consulted on the extension of the hours proposed which could have an adverse impact upon them.


The Executive Director (People First) agreed that a holistic approach to resourcing was necessary and that there was a need to investigate all potential forms of funding for future programmes.


RESOLVED:  To (1) agree in principle that the Community Schools Programme be extended to all the other clusters of schools;


(2)  authorise the initial roll-out of the programme to further clusters within the existing resources, taking account of the lessons learnt from the pilots;


(3)  consider the funding for completing the programme within the Council’s budget process for 2005/06;


(4)  receive a report for approval on action plans for each new cluster roll?out.


Reason for Decision:  The Council has agreed that an increased range of its services will be provided on an area basis to reflect local needs.  The Community Schools initiative takes forward the introduction of joined?up inter?agency provision, as set out in the rationale for establishing the People First Directorate.


(See also Minute 544).


Key Decision - Reorganisation of Connexions in Harrow and West London

Report of the Executive Director (People First)


In introducing his report, the Executive Director (People First) outlined the following benefits of the proposed reorganisation:


·                     that it would resolve the VAT issue which currently impinged on Connexions budgets


·                     that the proposed model offered coherence with the New Harrow Project and placed funding for Connexions locally where priorities were best known.


The Portfolio Holder for Education and Lifelong Learning congratulated officers on taking the lead in West London for this initiative and commended the report to Cabinet.


RESOLVED:  (1)  That the proposals to adopt the “Confederation” Model for the delivery of Connexions be agreed;


(2)  that the Director of Children’s Services finalise the details of the financial memorandum and the contract, subject to approval by the Portfolio Holder for Education and Lifelong Learning and Portfolio Holder for Social Services in consultation with the nominated Members of other groups.


Reason for Decision:  The proposal to reorganise the delivery of Connexions takes forward the introduction of a Children’s Service in Harrow, as set out in the rationale for establishing the People First Directorate.


A Corporate University for Harrow

Report of the Director of Learning and Community Development


The Executive Director (People First) introduced the report and stated that, if agreed, this ground breaking project would pave the way for Harrow to become a true learning organisation.  He described, in brief, the Feasibility Study undertaken.  He responded to a number of questions from Members and stated that:


·                     the costs set out in paragraph 8.1 of the report were indicative only;


·                     the location of the Harrow Corporate University within the organisation would be examined as part of the business case.


The Portfolio Holder for Education and Lifelong Learning commended this radical project which was unique and the first of its kind in local government.  He added that it would underpin the New Harrow Project and he congratulated the Director of Learning and Community Development for this innovative approach to lifelong learning.  At the same time he acknowledged that there was a considerable piece of work to be done in developing the business case before achieving this project.  He moved an amendment to Recommendation 2.2, a copy of which was tabled at the meeting, which he hoped would address some of the concerns expressed by some Members.


He acknowledged that the financing of the project would require consideration as part of the Council’s MTBS and that funding streams needed potential redesignation for the purpose.


The Portfolio Holder for Planning, Development, Housing and Best Value and the Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group were encouraged by this project which would help staff better themselves, and commended it to Cabinet.


A Member supported the motion but stated that the word ‘agree’ ought to be replaced by ‘consider’.


RESOLVED:  (1)  That the outcomes of the Feasibility Study, which incorporates and supersedes the Best Value Review Report of the Teachers’ Centre, be noted;


(2)  to agree in principle to the establishment of a Corporate University for Harrow Council, subject to widespread discussion with Members, staff, schools, trade unions and other key partners, with a view to producing a detailed project plan as soon as possible.


(3)  that the Council register with the London West Learning and Skills Council as a provider of Work Based Learning.


Reason for Decision:  On 20 April 2004 Cabinet resolved:  (1)  That Cabinet supports the approval given by the Best Value Advisory Panel on 25 March 2004 that the Best Value Report of Harrow Teachers’ Centre is incorporated into and superseded by the feasibility study into the potential development of Harrow Council as a Work Based Learning provider that is part of the new “Harrow University” (the “HU”).  This will serve as one mechanism that could contribute to raising standards in all aspects of the work carried out by Harrow Council.


A Summer Carnival/Mela 2005

Report of the Director of Learning and Community Development


RESOLVED:  To note that the report will be submitted to the September meeting of the Cabinet.


Housing Best Value Review - Your Home Your Needs

Report of the Executive Director (Urban Living)


Members considered a report of the Executive Director (Urban Living) together with a recommendation of the Best Value Advisory Panel and


RESOLVED:  That the changes to the Performance Improvement Plan, in line with the Inspector’s recommendations, as recommended by the Best Value Advisory Panel, be agreed.


Reason for Decision:  To enable the Council to implement the recommendations of the Best Value Inspectorate.


Key Decision - Proposal for an Indoor Tennis Centre

Report of the Executive Director (Urban Living)


The Executive Director (Urban Living) introduced his report and stated that the Council’s response to progress to Stage 2 of the project was due the following day.  He explained the funding arrangements of this proposal and drew Members’ attention to the financial observations set out in his report and the officer view that the projections were extremely pessimistic and represented the worse case scenario.


He added that the proposed Indoor Tennis Centre would “replace” the outdoor swimming pool and provide a much needed additional leisure facility, and he set out the Lawn Tennis Association’s (LTA) commitment to the project.  In response to questions from Members, the Executive Director (Urban Living) mentioned that the proposal, subject to various approvals, would be built on the existing car park site at Harrow Leisure Centre.


The Portfolio Holder for Education and Lifelong Learning commended the proposal and urged Cabinet not to miss out on this great opportunity, much of which was being funded by the LTA.


Members of the Conservative Group reserved their judgement on the proposal which they felt might have serious cost implications, and requested additional information before giving their full support to the proposal. They also expressed concern at the loss of parking at the Leisure Centre.


The Portfolio Holder for Planning, Development, Housing and Best Value called for a Masterplan for land in the vicinity of the Leisure Centre including the former Driving School site, adjacent parkland, which appeared to have been abandoned, and the former outdoor swimming pool site.  He was of the view that the proposals for an Indoor Tennis Centre would help regenerate Wealdstone and requested that the report be submitted to the Wealdstone Regeneration Advisory Panel for comment.


The Leader of the Conservative Group supported the suggestion for a Masterplan and agreed to look into this with the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Development, Housing and Best Value. 


In conclusion, the Executive Director (Urban Living) clarified that the report to the September meeting of Cabinet would include a Project Plan and a timetable for the Stage 2 process.  He added that it would also address the concerns raised by Members with regard to the financing of this project.


RESOLVED:  (1)  That the offer of grant and loan funding from the Lawn Tennis Association be accepted and that progress to Stage 2 be commenced to enable the project to be developed for final approval by the Council and the LTA;


(2)  that the Executive Director (Urban Living) produce a detailed project plan and timetable to develop a fully detailed and costed scheme in partnership with the LTA for consideration at the next meeting of Cabinet.


Reason for Decision:   To progress the implementation of this regional facility within the Borough.


Key Decision - Organic Waste: Update of Implementation Plan

Report of the Executive Director (Urban Living)


The Executive Director (Urban Living) introduced his report and sought approval to extend the Brown Bin Scheme to another 12,000 householders in the Borough.  He spoke briefly about the funding of this scheme and pointed out that the London Recyling Fund (LRF) Scheme would be replaced by a Performance Reward Grant in 2005/06.  He stated that funding for completing the programme would have to be met from the Council’s own resources.


In response to questions from Members, he stated that


·                     recycling of kitchen waste and cardboard would commence in October 2004;


·                     any extension of the scheme to include flats would have a marginal impact on the issue of space requirements for the storage of the various containers/bins.


RESOLVED:  (1)  To confirm, in principle, that the Brown Bin scheme be expanded to include all suitable houses in the borough;


(2)  that the funding for completing the programme be considered from within the Council's budget process for 2005/06.


Reason for Decision: To allow the Council to make progress in meeting its statutory recycling targets.


West London Waste Authority Joint Waste Strategy

Report of the Executive Director (Urban Living)


The Executive Director (Urban Living) introduced his report and drew out the salient points therein.  He reported that the half sentence in paragraph 6.3 of the report be deleted.


Cabinet made a number of Member-level appointments and it was


RESOLVED:  (1)  That the report be noted:


(2)  that Councillor Blann represent the Council in area-wide meetings, in the development of the Joint Strategy;


(3)  that an informal Member-level body (West London Waste Authority Working Group) be established comprising five Members (2 Labour; 2 Conservative; 1 Liberal Democrat; with up to 3 named Reserves for each Group; and the ability to co?opt additional Members as appropriate) the remit of which shall be to liaise with this Authority's representative(s) to the relevant Waste London Waste Authority body (see (2) above) and to receive advice from the Council's officers, on the development of the joint waste management strategy, subject to all issues requiring an Executive decision being reported to the Cabinet;


(4)  that Councillor O’Dell be appointed as the Chair of the informal Member level body referred to in (3) above;


(5)  that Councillor Miss Lyne be appointed as the Liberal Democrat Member on the informal Member level body referred to in (3) above;


(6)  that the Labour Group and the Conservative Group nominate Members for the remaining vacancies on the informal Member level body referred to in (3) above.


Reason for Decision: To allow the Council to make progress in meeting its statutory recycling targets.


Waste Minimisation Plan

Report of the Executive Director (Urban Living)


The Executive Director (Urban Living) drew out the salient points from his report and explained how the targets set would be achieved.  He explained that the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Transport was fully involved in the improvement of the waste audit.


RESOLVED:  That the action plan set out in Section 3 of the officer report be confirmed.


Reason for Decision:  To allow the Council to make progress in meeting its statutory recycling.


Key Decision - Procurement of the Housing Capital Programme for 2005/6, 2006/7 and 2007/8

Report of the Executive Director (Urban Living)


The Executive Director (Urban Living) introduced his report and highlighted the main points therein.  He added that detailed proposals would be submitted to the Cabinet in the Autumn.


Members agreed that this report ought to be submitted to the Environment and the Economy Scrutiny Sub-Committee for comment.  The Portfolio Holder for Planning, Development, Housing and Best Value highlighted the need to have procedures in place to ensure the delivery of the Capital Programme on time.


RESOLVED:  That the action being taken by the Housing Department to put in place a partnering contract and appoint contract administrators for the delivery of the stock investment capital programme for 2005/6, 2006/7 and 2007/8 be approved.


Reason for Decision:  The delivery of the housing capital programme through a partnering contract will provide benefits to tenants and will enable costs to be controlled in delivery of the housing capital programme for the three years from 2005/6 to 2007/8.


(See also Minute 544).


Introductory Tenancies

Report of the Executive Director (Urban Living)


The Executive Director (Urban Living) introduced his report and stated that some 87% of people consulted were in favour of this initiative and that the Introductory Tenancy Scheme, if approved, would be implemented in January 2005.  He referred to Appendix 3 of his report and stated that number 8, 2nd column should refer to the ALMO Board rather than the Shadow Board.


RESOLVED:  (1)  That the outcome of the consultation be noted;


(2)  that the implementation of the Introductory Tenancy Scheme, in accordance with the policy attached to the officer report, be approved;


(3)  that a review of the Scheme be reported to Cabinet after the first twelve months of operation.


Reason for Decision:  To enable implementation of the Introductory Tenancy Scheme.


Key Decision - Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Housing Strategy for Harrow 2004-2007

Report of the Executive Director (Urban Living)


The Strategy and Resources Manager (Urban Living) introduced her report and highlighted the main issues therein.  She stated that the long-term aim was to integrate this strategy with the Council’s Housing Strategy.


A Member called for an all-embracing Housing Strategy providing quality service for all sections of the community, and asked a number of questions.


In response, the Strategy and Resources Manager stated that whilst the BME Housing Strategy existed in its own right, it was an integral part of the local Housing Strategy. She explained the reasons for highlighting individual comments and stated that racial harassment was under reported and that this was an issue.


The Chair welcomed the report and congratulated officers on the excellent work carried out and in engaging with the community.  He commended the report to Cabinet which he stated acknowledged diversity and gave a better understanding of the housing needs and aspirations of the BME community in Harrow.  He agreed with the sentiments of mainstreaming but felt that there was a need for a BME Housing Strategy to ensure that the Council was meeting the specific needs of its BME groups.


RESOLVED:  That the contents of the Black and Ethnic Minority Housing Strategy 2004?2007 and related action plan be noted and approved.


Reason for Decision:  To meet our strategic aims and targets to address the issues highlighted.


Developing and Resourcing the Local Development Framework in Harrow/The Renaming of the Unitary Development Plan Advisory Panel

Report of the Director of Strategy (Urban Living)


Members considered a report of the Executive Director (Urban Living) on the above mentioned topic, together with a report of the Chief Planning Officer requesting Cabinet to rename the UDP Advisory Panel as the ‘Strategic Planning Advisory Panel’ in accordance with the recommendation from the meeting of that Panel held on 8 July 2004, a copy of which was also circulated as an appendix to the Chief Planning Officer’s report.


The Director of Strategy (Urban Living) introduced her report and highlighted the key points therein.  She explained that detailed guidance had yet to be received from central government and that although local authorities should have six months to produce the Local Development Scheme (LDS), Government Office for London had indicated that they would still like to receive the LDS by the original deadline of 31 December 2004.


She stated that additional resources would be required and that a further report would be submitted to Cabinet. Members were informed that the LDF process placed much greater emphasis on the need for authorities to effectively engage the community in the strategic planning process. The Director of Strategy (Urban Living) also explained why the planning indicators would become important.


The Portfolio Holder for Planning, Development, Housing and Best Value expressed concerns about the whole process and the issues around financing.  He was of the view that the government had not considered the economic effects of this requirement on local authorities and that there would be an impact on the Council’s budget as a result.


The Leader of the Conservative Group stated that there was a need to ensure that the comments of all those consulted were taken into account.


RESOLVED:  (1)  That the corporate implications of, and anticipated resource requirements for, the various facets of producing the new Local Development Framework in Harrow be noted;


Reasonfor Decision:  To ensure that the Local Development Framework is developed to a high quality and within specified timescales.


(2)  that the UDP Advisory Panel be renamed the Strategic Planning Advisory Panel;


Reason for Decision:  To reflect the recent changes to the planning system.


(3)  to note that representation of the Liberal Democrat Group on the Panel, in a non?voting Co?optee capacity, would be notified soon.


Key Decision - Green Belt Management Strategy

Report of the Chief Planning Officer


The Director of Strategy (Urban Living) introduced her report and highlighted the key points therein.


The Portfolio Holder for Planning, Development, Housing and Best Value pointed out the need to engage consultants to develop the Strategy owing to the lack of adequate resources in?house.


He referred to the amendment from the Leader of the Conservative Group to rename the Strategy the Green Belt Management and Protection Strategy which he could not support and stated that the commitment to protect the Green Belt had been fully covered in the report and in the Council’s UDP.  The Chair supported this argument.


The Leader of the Liberal Democrat group seconded the motion and following a vote the motion was lost and it was


RESOLVED:  (1)  That the 10 point proposal for a long-term Green Belt Management Strategy, as set out in this report, be approved as the basis for a brief to consultants to develop such a strategy on the Council’s behalf;


(2)  that the final brief be drawn up by officers in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holders and nominated Members, and on its basis consultants engaged at a maximum cost of £40,000.


Reason for Decision:  To enable the development of a long-term Management Strategy for the Green Belt.


[Note:  Councillors C Mote, D Ashton and Miss Lyne voted against Resolution (1) above for the reason that the amendment was not supported by Cabinet].


(See also Minute 544).


Any Other Urgent Business

Which cannot otherwise be dealt with.


No business was considered under this heading.


Treasury Management Annual Report: Borrowing and Lending Activities 2003-4

Report of the Director of Financial and Business Strategy


Members considered a confidential report of the Director of Financial and Business Strategy setting out the Council’s borrowing and lending position at the start and end of the financial year 2003?04 and the position as at June 2004.


RESOLVED:  (1)  That the Treasury activities carried out in 2003-04 be noted;


(2)  that the current position on the use of External Cash Managers be noted.


Reason for Decision:  To keep Cabinet informed of Treasury Management activities as set out in the Council’s Treasury Management Policy.


Key Decision - Social Care PFI Project (Community Resource Centres for People with Learning Disabilities) and Housing PFI Projects

Report of the Executive Director (People First)


Members considered a confidential report of the Executive Director (People First) setting out the details of an investigation into options to deliver the Social Care Private Finance Initiative (PFI), to provide Community Resource Centres (CRCs) for people with Learning Disabilities and a supported Housing Project using PFI credits.


Members agreed that up?date reports ought also to be provided to nominated Members.  The Chair highlighted the importance of consulting and engaging with the local community at an early stage, especially in relation to the Kenmore Avenue site.


RESOLVED:  (1)  That the Community Resource Centres and the Housing PFI Projects be delivered as separate projects;


(2)  that officers provide up-date reports to the Portfolio Holder for Social Services and nominated Members and report to Cabinet with details of negotiated positions;


(3)  that officers inform the Department of Health and Office of Deputy Prime Minister of Cabinet decisions regarding the preferred delivery route;


(4)  that officers appoint legal and financial consultants in accordance with details set out at Annexe B, paragraph 13.1;


Social Care Project


(5)  that the Council ceases formally negotiations with MACE in respect of the CRCs;


(6)  that the Kenmore, Vaughan and Peel projects be included in the LIFT Strategic Development Plan and that Officers negotiate with LIFT to provide three CRCs on Kenmore, Peel and Vaughan sites and the 12 units of residential accommodation;


(7)  that officers negotiate with LIFT and the DoH to maximise the benefit from the PFI credit and approach to land transactions on Kenmore, Peel and Vaughan sites;


(8)  that the location of the residential unit will be on part of the Peel Road site;


(9)  that the Council’s contribution to the affordability of the Kenmore, Peel and Vaughan CRCs project of approximately £0.446m per annum be subject to final negotiations as detailed in Annexe B, paragraph 6.1;


(10)  that officers undertake the necessary consultation and process to change the current use of the Kenmore site and to co-ordinate with the LIFT consultation to inform the development of the Kenmore project;


(11)  that officers undertake further investigation with LIFT regarding the Council becoming an Equity holder;


Housing Project


(12)  that the Council’s affordability contribution to the Housing PFI be of £0.44m per annum, comprising £0.34m for Supported Housing units and £0.10m for Other Housing Initiatives;


(13)  that officers prepare and submit the Outline Business Case to the Government’s Project Review Group (PRG) on the basis of the above affordability contributions and satisfactory outcomes of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister’s (ODPM) review of their financial model;


(14)  that, subject to PRG approval, officers undertake the procurement of the Housing PFI to the point of appointing the Preferred Bidder;


(15)  that Cabinet receive a report to appoint a Preferred Bidder.


Reason for Decision:  To enable the progress of the Social Care and Housing PFI projects to proceed.


Arts Culture Harrow (ACH)

Report of the Director of Learning and Community Development


Members considered a confidential report of the Director of Learning and Community Development (People First), setting out the progress made against the targets agreed by Cabinet.


RESOLVED:  (1)  That it be noted that ACH has met the targets set for the end of June 2004, and that a further three months funding be released at the end of September 2004;


(2)  to note that a further report on the second quarter targets will be submitted to the  October 2004 meeting of the Cabinet. 


Reason for Decision:  Delivery of the targets set is an essential indicator of ACH’s recovery.


Extension and Termination of the Meeting


In accordance with the provisions of Executive Procedure Rule 22.2 (Part 4D of the Constitution) it was


RESOLVED:  (1) At 10.00 pm to continue until 10.15 pm;


(2)  at 10.15 pm to continue until 10.30 pm.