Agenda and minutes

Cabinet - Thursday 20 May 2004 7.30 pm

Venue: Committee Rooms 1 & 2 Harrow Civic Centre

Contact: Alison Brooker, Cabinet Co-ordinator  Tel: 020 8424 1266 Email:

No. Item


RECOMMENDATION I - Key Decision - Financial Regulations and Contract Procedure Rules


Members noted that, in accordance with the Council‘s Constitution, “the management of the Council’s financial affairs will be conducted in accordance with the Financial Regulations and Standards” and “every contract made by the Council will comply with the Contracts Procedure Rules”.  The current Financial Regulations and Contract Procedure Rules were added to the Constitution in September 2002 and had now been reviewed and revised and were submitted for Members’ consideration.


Cabinet noted the revised recommendations circulated on the supplemental agenda and the tabled summary of comments and amendments by the Budget Review Working Group.


Cabinet, having approved the Financial Regulations and Contracts Procedure Rules, subject to the incorporation of the recommendations of the Budget Review Working Group, and delegated authority to the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Human Resources and Performance Management to approve the final version of the Regulations and Rules 


Resolved to RECOMMEND:


That the Financial Regulations and Contracts Procedure Rules be added to the Constitution in place of the existing Financial Regulations and Standards and Contract Procedure Rules (dated September 2002) once finalised and approved by the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Human Resources and Performance Management.


Reason for Recommendation:  To ensure that the Council had effective governance arrangements in place.


(See also Minute 515).



Declarations of Interest

To receive declaration of interest (if any) from Members of the Cabinet.


RESOLVED:  To note that the following interests were declared:


Agenda Item


Nature of Interest


12.     Primary School Re?Organisation for the Future



The Member indicated a prejudicial interest and advised that he would leave the meeting whilst this matter was considered and voted upon, (spouse employed in a school office).



Of the Cabinet meetings held on 8 and 20 April 2004, having been circulated, to be taken as read and signed as a correct record.


RESOLVED:  That the minutes of the meetings held on 8 April and 20 April 2004, having been circulated, be taken as read and signed as a correct record.


Arrangement of Agenda

To consider whether any of the items listed on the agenda should be considered with the press and public excluded.


Members noted that there would be no change to the arrangement of the agenda but that there was an urgent item of business, relating to the proposed arrangement of a special meeting of Cabinet to consider the ICT Strategic Partnership options.


RESOLVED:  That all business be considered with the press and public present.



To receive petitions (if any) submitted by members of the public/Councillors.


(a) On 29 April 2004, Council received a petition containing 1,400 signatures requesting a new war memorial outside the Civic Centre. Council referred the petition to Cabinet for consideration.


(1)                 Cabinet received a petition containing 1,400 signatures in relation to a new war memorial.  Mr Jim Lawrence, a representative of the petitioners, read the terms of petition to the meeting which were as follows:


“Would you like a new War Memorial outside the Harrow Civic Centre to replace the plain stone one”


In response, the Chair indicated that he hoped that it would be possible to take the petitioners proposal forward on a cross party basis.  He proposed that a Working Party be established, with the nominations for the representatives determined outside of the Cabinet meeting.


RESOLVED: That the petition be received.


(2)                 Cabinet received a petition containing 198 signatures from the children of Whitchurch First School in relation to litter and graffiti in Stanmore. The petition also contained the signatures of 14 teachers from the school.


Six children from the School addressed Cabinet, highlighting their concerns in relation to the litter, graffiti, vandalism and dog faeces they had seen during a school geography walk in Stanmore.


The children read the terms of the petition to Cabinet which were as follows:-


“We, the children of Whitchurch First School call on Harrow Council to tackle the problem of litter and graffiti in Stanmore as a matter of Urgency.  We have looked at the streets surrounding our school, and are upset by the state of the area where we live and go to school.  We call on Councillors to make sure our area is clean for both our present and future generations.”


RESOLVED:  That the petition be received.


Public Questions

To receive any public questions received in accordance with paragraph 15 of the Executive Procedure Rules.


(Note:  Paragraph 15 of the Executive Procedure Rules stipulates that questions will be asked in the order notice of them was received and that there be a time limit of 15 minutes.)


RESOLVED:  To note that no questions had been received.


Forward Plan 1 May - 31 August 2004


A Member sought clarification in relation to two items detailed on the Forward Plan, the Air Quality Action Plan 2004 and Community Resource Centres for People with Learning Disabilities and Housing Projects, and which were not before Cabinet for consideration.  In response, the relevant Executive Directors confirmed that these items would be submitted to the June meeting of Cabinet.


In relation to the petition submitted by the children of Whitchurch First School (see Minute 508), Members indicated that a report should be submitted to a future meeting of Cabinet but that, in the meantime, it might be appropriate for Members and/or officers to visit the School to discuss the New Harrow Project.


RESOLVED:  To note the Forward Plan for the period 1 May – 31 August 2004.


Reports from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee or Sub-Committees

(if any).


RESOLVED:  To note that no reports had been received.


Electronically Sharing Client Data (ELSID) - A West London Alliance Pathfinder Project and Notify - a data sharing project organised by ALG

Report of the Executive Director (People First) and presentation


Members considered a report seeking endorsement of the signing of two protocols for data sharing with other statutory bodies for the promotion of effective communication to safeguard the needs of vulnerable people and those of children within homeless families.


Cabinet received a presentation from Tim Rodgers, an officer from the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, in relation to ELSID.  He outlined the background to the West London Alliance Project and its possible future expansion.  Mr Rodgers advised that ELSID was a flexible solution that allowed a secure, rapid, exchange of data and that was easy to administer, use and expand.


Members considered the issues around the Data Protection Act and the extent to which the project would be reviewed.  It was noted that accuracy of the information would depend on the Authority’s own client database.


RESOLVED:  That the participation of the Authority in the ELSID and Notify Initiatives be endorsed and the commitment to secure data sharing be noted.


Reason for decision:  To ensure that personal data was shared correctly, authorities were required to sign Information Sharing protocols which set out the roles and responsibilities in exchanging information.


Re-appointment of subsidiary body memberships


The Chair drew Members’ attention to the revised nomination for the representative on the Adoption Panel circulated on the supplemental agenda.


Members noted that a number of bodies, including the New Harrow Project Panel and South Harrow Study Advisory Panel, had not met for some time and that it might be appropriate to delete them.  The Chair indicated that a report should be submitted to the June or July meeting of Cabinet to consider the possible deletion of certain panels.


The Leader of the Minority Group indicated that Councillors Marilyn Ashton and Knowles would be the nominated Members for the Unitary Development Plan Advisory Panel and the Tenants' and Leaseholders' Consultative Forum respectively.


Councillor N Shah advised Cabinet of his Group’s nominations to the appointment of Chairs.    


RESOLVED:  That the appointments set out in the schedule attached as Appendix 1 to these minutes be confirmed.


Reason for decision:  To re-establish the bodies for the new Municipal Year.


Timetable for the Preparation and Consideration of Statutory Plans and Strategies 2004/5

Report of the Borough Solicitor


Members noted that the Constitution required the Executive to determine a timetable for the preparation and consideration of statutory plans and strategies.


In response to a question from a Member in relation to the Corporate Plan, the Chief Executive reported that there was work in progress on the final version.


RESOLVED:  That the timetable for the preparation and consideration of the statutory plans and strategies, as set out at Appendix 2 to these minutes, be approved.


Reason for decision:  To comply with the requirements of paragraph 3 of the Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules set out in Section 4C of the Council’s Constitution.


Key Decision - Financial Regulations and Contract Procedure Rules


(See also Recommendation I).


The Executive Director (Business Connections) introduced his report and drew Members’ attention to the revised recommendations circulated on the supplemental agenda and the tabled summary of comments and amendments suggested by the Budget Review Working Group at their meeting on 19 May 2004.  He proposed that these amendments be incorporated into the redraft of the Regulations and Rules and be submitted to the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Human Resources and Performance Management for approval prior to their submission to Council for incorporation in the Constitution.


In response to questions from Members, the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Human Resources and Performance Management undertook to consult with the other parties prior to approving the revised Financial Regulations and Contract Procedure Rules.


Cabinet, having recommended the inclusion of the new Financial Regulations and Contract Procedure Rules in the Constitution to Council


RESOLVED:  (1) That the Financial Regulations and Contract Procedure Rules be approved, subject to the incorporation of the recommendations from the Budget Review Working Group  meeting held on 19 May 2004;


(2)  that authority be delegated to the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Human Resources and Performance Management (in the context of his responsibility of evaluating the financial procedures of the Council) to approve the Financial Regulations and Contract Procedure Rules once the amendments in (1) above have been incorporated.


Reason for decision:  To ensure that the Council has effective governance arrangements in place.


Primary School Re-Organisation for the Future

Report of the Executive Director (People First)


The Executive Director (People First) introduced the report, which outlined the Council’s strategy for the re?organisation of schools for the future.  He outlined the policy objectives and reported that the strategy focussed on first and middle schools.


In response to a question in relation to the Private Finance Initiative allocation, the Executive Director (People First) reported that there was no specific date for the notification but that he understood that it would be later in the year.


A Member expressed the view that if schools were to amalgamate, the vacant property should not be disposed of as demographics might change in the future and result in the properties being reused.


The Executive Director (People First) confirmed, in response to a Member’s question, that there was no intention to move away from the cluster arrangement similar to that of  the New Harrow Project.


An amendment in the name of Councillor Stephenson was moved, put to the vote and it was


RESOLVED: (1) That a working group of Members, Headteachers, other Stakeholder representatives and officers be established in accordance with paragraph 5.18 and Annexe 1 to the report of the Executive Director (People First);


(2)  that the Working Group proposals to revise school admission numbers be developed within the context of establishing a range of Extended Schools in Harrow;


(3) that the Working Group proposals be reported to Cabinet in Autumn 2004;


(4)  that the Amalgamation Policy, circumstances when amalgamation was considered by Governing Bodies (5.14 to the report of the Executive Director (People First)) and the financial support for the first year (paragraph 7.3 to the report of the Executive Director (People First)), be agreed, subject to the detail of the process being refined in resolution 5 below;


(5)  that officers should consult interested parties on the process of the Amalgamation Policy to inform the development of the support package and to the comments being considered by the Working Group who would agree the support package for schools;


(6)  that, in any of the circumstances when the governing bodies of a joint primary school were required to consider amalgamation, they must inform the Director of Learning and Community Development of their intended considerations and provide the outcome of their deliberations in writing and with detail to support the decisions, and he would then consider these and report the outcome to Cabinet with an appropriate recommendation.


Reason for decision:  To enable the Council to establish a range of Extended Schools, bring forward proposals for school reorganisation that would enable a change in the age of transfer to high school and manage the supply of school places.


Key Decision - Framework Agreement on Local Authority Food Law Enforcement - Approval of Food Safety Service Plan

Report of the Executive Director (Urban Living)


The Chief Environmental Health Officer introduced his report, which sought approval to the Food Safety Service Plan.  The Service Plan would form one aspect of the Food Standards Agency Audit being carried out on 25 and 26 May 2004.


In response to a Member’s question, the Chief Environmental Health Officer reported that, according to statute, food premises must be registered 28 days before they commenced operation. However, the Environmental Health service could not refuse to register such premises regardless of the circumstances.  In relation to the health of staff operating in food premises, Environmental Health could not legally require health checks for TB unless required by specific legislation, such as the Vertical Regulations for Approved premises. The Chief Environmental Health Officer reported that there was a well-developed London wide response to cases of tuberculosis with a follow up investigation and support service from Northwick Park Hospital if a notification was received.


The Chief Environmental Health Officer outlined the problems in recruiting Environmental Health Officers but indicated that, if fully staffed, it would be possible to meet next year’s targets.


Cabinet acknowledged the good work being done by Environmental Health Services.  The Portfolio Holder for Environment and Transport stated that it was a good report, which gave Members an insight into the important work being carried out.


RESOLVED:  (1)  That the Food Safety Service Plan be approved;


(2)  that the consultation exercise on the strategy be endorsed.


Reason for Decision:  The Authority was statutorily required to approve a Food Safety Service Plan.  If the Authority did not approve the Plan it would be subject to criticism by the Foods Standards Agency.


Key Decision - Implementation Plan for the collection of organic waste from households

Report of the Executive Director (Urban Living)


The Executive Director (Urban Living) introduced the report, which detailed the implementation plan for the collection of organic waste from households.  He reported that the recycling target was only just achieved last year and that it was necessary to increase the recycling rate considerably.  Failure to collect organic waste might lead to the Council being unsuccessful in receiving certain grants that were available and to a significant increase in the cost of landfill.


The Executive Director (Urban Living) advised that it was necessary to work with the community on this project and, in response to a suggestion by a Member in relation to an alternative pilot on fortnightly collection, indicated that any suggestions that would increase public support should be considered.


A Member indicated that he hoped the local press and the Communications Unit would be able to assist with the debate on the options available, bearing in mind the petition received from the children of Whitchurch First School considered elsewhere on the agenda. The Portfolio Holder for Environment and Transport stated that it was also necessary to urge supermarkets to reconsider the packaging of their products to assist in recycling.


The Executive Director (Urban Living) noted the suggestions made by Members in relation to trade waste from restaurants, organic waste from schools and the effect of wheeled bins on the street scene, particularly in relation to converted properties.  He also recognised the need to ensure that the Council’s workforce was fully trained and advised that he had discussed this matter with the Unison Branch Secretary and regional officers.  There would be a further discussion with Unison in relation to what was effectively a recast of the service.


The Chair stated that Harrow did not have a particularly good record in relation to waste collection and recognised that complaints about changing the refuse service were inevitable.  However, he stated that no change was not an option due to the environmental issues and possible financial penalties.  He hoped that it would be possible to pursue the links with the community via the local press separately.


RESOLVED:  (1)  That the Brown Bin scheme be expanded to include the collection of kitchen waste (and card/cardboard) in addition to garden waste once processing capacity had been secured;


(2)  that the Area Director (Urban Living) be authorised to:


(i)                   enter into a temporary contract with Grundon, for the duration of the pilot, to accept collected organic waste for reprocessing, with the costs of the reprocessing being met by the West London Waste Authority; and


(ii)                 to procure, through a competitive procurement process, a permanent facility for operation from April 2005 (subject to confirmation by the Council whether to continue with the collection of kitchen waste following the pilot);


(3)  that a pilot, covering 10,000 households, be conducted changing the frequency of collection of the bins to:


Brown Bin weekly, Residual Bin fortnightly, with a control area, covering 10,000 households running in parallel based on the existing collection pattern i.e. Brown Bin fortnightly, Residual Bin weekly;  ...  view the full minutes text for item 518.


Any Other Urgent Business

Which cannot otherwise be dealt with.


ICT Strategic Partnership:  Proposed Special Cabinet Meeting


Members considered an urgent item, circulated on the supplemental agenda, proposing a special meeting of Cabinet to consider the ICT Strategic Partnership options.  The relevant timescales required the meeting be held in the week commencing 14 June 2004.


RESOLVED:  That a special meeting of Cabinet to consider the ICT Strategic Partnership options be held at 6.30 pm on 15 June 2004 and that a letter be circulated to all Members of Cabinet to confirm the arrangements.