Agenda and minutes

Major Developments Panel - Wednesday 13 November 2013 7.30 pm

Venue: Committee Rooms 1 & 2, Harrow Civic Centre, Station Road, Harrow, HA1 2XY. View directions

Contact: Miriam Wearing, Senior Democratic Services Officer  Tel: 020 8424 1542 E-mail:

No. Item


Appointment of Chairman

To note the appointment, by Cabinet on 17 October 2013, of Councillor Susan Hall as Chairman of the Panel for the remainder of the 2013/14 municipal year.


RESOLVED:  That the appointment, by Cabinet on 17 October 2013, of Councillor Susan Hall as Chairman of the Panel for the remainder of the  2013/14 municipal year be noted.


Appointment of Vice-Chairman

To appoint a Vice-Chairman for the municipal year 2013/14.


RESOLVED:  To appoint Councillor Keith Ferry as Vice-Chairman of the Panel for the 2013/2014 Municipal Year.


Attendance by Reserve Members

To note the attendance at this meeting of any duly appointed Reserve Members.


Reserve Members may attend meetings:-


(i)                 to take the place of an ordinary Member for whom they are a reserve;

(ii)               where the ordinary Member will be absent for the whole of the meeting; and

(iii)             the meeting notes at the start of the meeting at the item ‘Reserves’ that the Reserve Member is or will be attending as a reserve;

(iv)              if a Reserve Member whose intention to attend has been noted arrives after the commencement of the meeting, then that Reserve Member can only act as a Member from the start of the next item of business on the agenda after his/her arrival.


RESOLVED:  To note the attendance at this meeting of the following duly appointed Reserve Member:-


Ordinary Member


Reserve Member


CouncillorThaya Idaikkadar

Councillor William Stoodley



Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of disclosable pecuniary or non pecuniary interests, arising from business to be transacted at this meeting, from:


(a)               all Members of the Panel;

(b)               all other Members present.


RESOLVED:  To note that there were no declarations of interests made by Members.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 105 KB

That the minutes of the meeting held on 5 December 2012 be taken as read and signed as a correct record.


RESOLVED:  That the minutes of the meeting held on 5 December 2012, be taken as read and signed as a correct record.


Public Questions, Petitions and Deputations

To receive questions (if any) from local residents or organisations under the provisions of Executive Procedure Rule 50 (Part 4D of the Constitution).


RESOLVED:  To note that no public questions were put, or petitions or deputations received at this meeting.



Strategic Opportunities Update pdf icon PDF 98 KB

To receive a report of the Divisional Director, Planning.


The Panel received a report which provided an overview of progress on the delivery of key regeneration and development outcomes across the Council’s area, and set the scene for a presentation on the emerging regeneration strategy.


RESOLVED:  That the progress being made on the realisation of the regeneration and development outcomes set out in the Council’s statutory and non statutory plans be noted.


Harrow's Emerging Regeneration Strategy

To receive a presentation.


The Panel received a presentation from the Divisional Director of Planning which provided information on Harrow’s Emerging Regeneration Strategy.  The Divisional Director outlined the plan to use the emerging document as a tool to engage with the whole Council, Members and key partners.


Members were informed that although Harrow Council had been progressing a whole series of activities that had contributed towards the regeneration of the borough, these activities had not previously been set out within a single document as part of a single story.  This had meant that there was sometimes limited understanding of the wide range of work ongoing (and planned) within and beyond the Council which contributed towards the regeneration of Harrow.  In bringing together work across directorates the aim was to provide the community with confidence as to how Harrow Council and its partners was approaching regeneration and what it would seek to achieve.


Following the presentation, a Member noted that whilst previously the Panel had considered regeneration in the form of new building works and the improved appearance of places, it now had much wider implications and required a joined up strategy rather than being a matter for individual directorates.  The strategy would help to change the way Harrow Council worked to attract more businesses and stable investment by having a stable planning process and strategy which promoted Harrow as a nice place to work and a place which had the necessary skill base.


The Chair commented that the Major Development Panel could also aid the process through its consideration of pre-application proposals prior to the advancement of planning applications.


RESOLVED:  That the presentation and the Panel’s comments thereon be noted.


Pre-application Presentation: Anmer Lodge, Stanmore

To receive a presentation.


The Divisional Director of Planning introduced Roger Arkell of Notting Hill Housing, David D’Souza of PCKO Architects, Michael Jakacki of Campbell Reith transport consultants, and Kate Hart of M & N Place.


The Panel received a presentation which provided information on the existing Anmer Lodge site, the vision and aims of the project,  constraints, concept sketches, the illustrative scheme, the existing transport environment and proposed improvements thereto, community and stakeholder consultation.  The proposals were for a food store and circa 120 homes, the retention of town centre car parking with additional parking for residents and shoppers, new urban space linking the commercial and residential zones, and creation of a route through from the north side of the site to the south.  Some refining of the housing designs was being undertaken and the level of affordable housing was still under discussion.


The representative advised that consultation with the Council had considered the best solution with regard to the adopted highway through the gap from The Broadway, potentially with pedestrian priority in design and surface.  Any vehicular access would be one way.


A transport study was being undertaken and had been discussed with the officers as one of the biggest issues raised by residents was a concern about traffic impact.  The study was considering problematical junctions and included traffic surveys together with residential and community parking surveys which had been undertaken during the day, night and weekend.


Members asked questions and made comments which were responded to as follows:


·                    the importance of modelling the traffic impact of the development from the residential properties was highlighted;


·                    previous problems associated with flat roofs had been overcome. There were many demands on roof space such as green roofs, combined heat and power for sustainability, and roof terraces for planting.  There was no explicit requirement for the development to follow nearby precedents with regard to the use of flat roofs.  The important factors in the choice of design were an appreciation of context and design quality in accordance with policy aspirations of the Local Plan;


·                    each apartment would have a private garden or balcony with podium decks having shared amenity;


·                    with regard to the park entrance, a route from the town to the park was possible (but this was outside the control of the applicant);


·                    it was proposed to produce high quality images to help illustrate the scheme design.  The Planning Service would advise on appropriate views;


·                    a proposal for a bridge between the store and the car park which had been referred to at the presentation at Stanmore Library had been superseded by a larger public realm between the store and the car park which would allow more open, and better lit space with better surveillance;


·                    there would be further negotiation with the Council as to the final housing unit size and mix.  However there was some concern that a town centre was not necessarily the best location for larger families homes;


·                    151 commercial parking spaces were proposed.  A further 50 parking spaces required by Marks  ...  view the full minutes text for item 115.


Future Topics and Presentations


It was agreed that Members would contact the Divisional Director of Planning with any suggestions for agenda items for the next meeting.