Committee details

Major Developments Panel

Purpose of committee

The Major Developments Panel was established by Cabinet on 15 July 2010. 


The Panel's role is:


1.         To oversee the development of the Harrow and Wealdstone Intensification Area, to include:


·           Reviewing the emerging master plan(s) for the area;


·           Considering emerging design and development principles; and


·           Reviewing the outcomes of community consultation and feedback on the emerging strategy;


·           Reviewing and commenting upon site specific proposals for major developments, prior to their submission to the Local Planning Authority;


·           Reviewing and commenting upon significant capital projects taking place within the area;


·           Reviewing and commenting upon strategies associated with the promotion and delivery of development and economic renewal within the area.


2.         To oversee the development of proposals for individual major development sites within the borough including:


·           Providing comments on pre application proposals received by the Council for such sites;


·           Reviewing progress of strategic development sites within the borough and considering site specific planning and development briefs.


3.         To give detailed consideration to and make recommendations to Cabinet in respect of:


·           The use of the Community Infrastructure Levies funds;


·           Reviewing and commenting upon changes to the CIL Charging Scheduled and S106 SPG.


4.         To oversee the implementation of the Borough Wide CIL / Infrastructure Delivery Plan prepared to support strategic growth in the Borough and to make recommendations to Cabinet, to include:


·           Reviewing and commenting upon the draft IDP’s comprising annual and longer term infrastructure delivery programmes and projects;


·           Considering the result of public consultation on such plans and programmes and make recommendations to Cabinet on any proposed changes / revisions;


·            Monitor the delivery of the IDP against budget and delivery provisions;


·            Consider and comment upon reports / presentations on infrastructure innovations and best practice in infrastructure delivery.


5.         To undertake post development reviews within Harrow and on sites beyond the borough and communicate learning on such visits to Cabinet and the Planning Committee.


Information on how to submit a petition, deputation or public question is available on the council website.



Contact information

Support officer: Mwim Chellah, Senior Democratic and Electoral Services Officer. Tel: 07761 405966 E-mail: