Title: Portfolio Holder for Adult Services & Public Health
Party: Conservative
Ward/Area: Pinner South
Other councillors representing this Ward/Area:
Pinner South and Pinner Ward Councillors hold joint surgeries in Pinner Library, 78 Marsh Road, Pinner, HA5 5NQ on every second Saturday in the month.
10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Correspondence address:
Conservative Group Office
PO Box 1358
Email: jean.lammiman@harrow.gov.uk
Mobile: 07855 370144
Download Councillor Jean Lammiman contact details as VCard
Qualifications: Chartered FCIPD, FRSA, Fellow IoD, MAIE, MIL, Freeman of the City of London.
Elected as a Councillor in May 1994.
Mayor for the 2007-08 Municipal Year.