Meeting attendance

Thursday 21 January 2021 6.30 pm, Cabinet

Venue:   Virtual Meeting - Online

Contact:    Nikoleta Nikolova, Senior Democratic & Electoral Services Officer
Tel: 020 8416 8284 E-mail:

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Graham Henson Chair Apologies
Councillor Sue Anderson Member Present
Councillor Simon Brown Member Present
Councillor Keith Ferry Vice-Chair, in the Chair Present
Councillor Phillip O'Dell Member Present
Councillor Varsha Parmar Member Present Attended for items 405 to 416.
Councillor Christine Robson Member Present
Councillor Krishna Suresh Member Present
Councillor Adam Swersky Member Present
Councillor Dr Antonio Weiss Advisory Member Present
John Higgins Non-elected, non-voting Present
Councillor Richard Almond Guest In attendance
Councillor Marilyn Ashton Guest In attendance
Councillor Paul Osborn Guest In attendance
Councillor Anjana Patel Guest In attendance