Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Call-in of the Decision of Cabinet held on 17 November 2011: Whitchurch Pavilion and Playing Fields'
- Councillor Ann Gate - Personal - Councillor Ann Gate declared a personal interest in that she was married to a Member of Cabinet who had taken a decision on 17 November 2011. She would remain in the room whilst the matter was considered and voted upon.
- Councillor Barry Macleod-Cullinane - Personal - Councillor Barry Macleod-Cullinane declared a personal interest in that he was a Member of Cabinet in November 2008, when an initial report was submitted to it setting out options available to the Council on the replacement and/or refurbishment of Whitchurch Pavilion and the Playing Fields. Additionally he was also a Member of Cabinet when initial proposals had been submitted to Cabinet on the Harrow Leisure Centre and the Skatepark. He would remain in the room to listen to the debate on this matter.
- Councillor Brian Gate - Personal - Councillor Brian Gate declared a personal interest in that he was a Member of Cabinet who had taken the decision on 17 November 2011. He would remain in the room to listen to the debate on this matter.
- Councillor Margaret Davine - Personal - Councillor Margaret Davine declared a personal interest in that she was a Member of Cabinet who had taken the decision on 17 November 2011. She would remain in the room to listen to the debate on this matter.
- Councillor Marilyn Ashton - Personal - Councillor Marilyn Ashton declared s personal interest in that she was a Member of Cabinet in November 2008, when an initial report was submitted to it setting out options available to the Council on the replacement and/or refurbishment of Whitchurch Pavilion and the Playing Fields. Additionally she was also a Member of Cabinet when initial proposals had been submitted to Cabinet on the Harrow Leisure Centre and the Skatepark. She would remain in the room to listen to the debate on this matter.
- Councillor Paul Osborn - Personal - Councillor Paul Osborn declared a personal interest in that he was a Member of Cabinet in November 2008, when an initial report was submitted to it setting out options available to the Council on the replacement and/or refurbishment of Whitchurch Pavilion and the Playing Fields. Additionally he was also a Member of Cabinet when initial proposals had been submitted to Cabinet on Harrow Leisure Centre and the Skatepark. He would remain in the room whilst the matter was considered and voted upon.
- Councillor Susan Hall - Personal - Councillor Susan Hall declared a personal interest in that she was a Member of Cabinet in November 2008, when an initial report was submitted to it setting out options available to the Council on the replacement and/or refurbishment of Whitchurch Pavilion and the Playing Fields. Additionally she was also a Member of Cabinet when initial proposals had been submitted to Cabinet on Harrow Leisure Centre and the Skatepark. She would remain in the room whilst the matter was considered and voted upon.
- Nana Asante - Personal - Councillor Nana Asante declared a personal interest in that her church, on occasions, used the Whitchurch Playing Fields. She would remain in the room to listen to the debate on this matter.