Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Motions'
- Councillor Kiran Ramchandani - Pecuniary - Motion 2 - Planning Motion - Partner worked in Community Engagement for housing developers
Motion 3 - Food Poverty Motion - employed by Citizens' Advice which was campaigning on Universal Credit.
- Councillor Kiran Ramchandani - Non Pecuniary - Motion 4 - Deliver Better Built Environment in Harrow Motion - Partner works in development industry
- Councillor Michael Borio - Non Pecuniary - Motion 3 - Food Poverty
- Councillor Paul Osborn - Non Pecuniary - He lived in Vaughan Road and would leave the Chamber should the inteest become pecuniary.
- Councillor Sachin Shah - Pecuniary - Motion 2 - Planning Motion - works in community engagement for housing developers
Motion 3 - Food Poverty Motion - partner employed by Citizens'Advice which was campaigning on Universal credit
- Councillor Sachin Shah - Non Pecuniary - Motion 4 - Deliver Better Built Environment in Harrow Motion - works in development industry