To consider the recommendations from the special Traffic and Road Safety Advisory Panel (TARSAP) meeting in December 2021 to determine if the school streets schemes should be made permanent or removed.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Effects 2 or more wards;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards/Areas affected: (All Wards/Areas);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 10/11/2021
Category: Community;
Urgent: No;
Decision due: 24 January 2022 by Cabinet
Lead Member: Councillor Varsha Parmar
Lead member: Environment and Climate Change Portfolio Holder
Lead director: Dipti Patel
Department: Community Directorate
Contact: Corporate Director, Community Email:
Consultation process
Public consultation on scheme trials is being undertaken in October/November 2021 and will be reported to a special Traffic and Road Safety Advisory Panel (TARSAP) meeting in December 2021.