Issue details

Local Outbreak Plans - Covid-19

To report and agree on the Council’s plans to control and reduce the transmission of Covid-19 within the Harrow area.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Effects 2 or more wards;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards/Areas affected: (All Wards/Areas);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/08/2020

Category: Community;

Urgent: No;

Decision due: 10 September 2020 by Cabinet

Lead Member: Councillor Graham Henson

Lead member: Leader

Lead director: Chief Executive

Department: People Directorate

Contact: Sean Harriss, Chief Executive (Head of Paid Service) Email: tel: 020 8420 9508 Email:

Consultation process

Ward councillors will be consulted on the plans, statutory agencies have been consulted on the Council’s local outbreak plans


Agenda items


  • Agenda report and any related appendices