To be responsible for the policy direction of the Council’s Place Shaping, Regeneration, Planning, and Development functions including:
· Strategic planning policy and implementation including:
- Planning policy and research
- Economic Development
- Development Management Policy
- Building Control
- Conservation and Design
- Open Spaces and Green Belt policy
· To oversee and direct the effective development and implementation of the following key Place Shaping strategies:
- Local Development Framework, including the core strategy, the opportunity and intensification area, and the area action plan
- Economic Development Strategy
- Town Centre Strategy and management (jointly with the Portfolio holder for Business, Employment and Property)
- West London Sub-regional planning, economic development and waste planning.
· To act as the Member level ‘Design and Heritage Champion’ for the Authority.
· To protect Harrow’s built heritage and green spaces.
· To oversee the development and delivery of the Council’s vision in terms of strategic planning for the future social, environmental and economic development and regeneration of Harrow.
· To provide policy direction in respect of the Council’s strategic Major Projects Programme including:
- The development of the central Harrow opportunity and intensification area
- The Council’s relationship with regeneration partners on the regeneration programme.