European Parliamentary Election - Thursday 23 May 2019

Votes from the Harrow area were combined with votes from other constituencies in the London Region.

Harrow Borough Council is not responsible for the content of any external link

Election results by party
Party name Votes % of votes
Labour Party 16312 25%
Liberal Democrats 14116 22%
The Brexit Party 12004 19%
Conservative 9814 15%
Green Party 5187 8%
Change UK – The Independent Group 3128 5%
UK Independence Party (UKIP) 1388 2%
Animal Welfare Party 936 1%
Women's Equality Party 855 1%
UK European Union Party (UKEUP) 822 1%
Claudia McDowell 61 < 1%
Roger Hallam 33 < 1%
Mike Shad 30 < 1%
Daze Aghaji 29 < 1%
Andrew Medhurst 28 < 1%
Alan Dennis Kirkby 26 < 1%
Kofi Mawuli Klu 26 < 1%
Zoë Delemere Lafferty 17 < 1%
Andrea Venzon 16 < 1%
Henry Muss 15 < 1%
Ian Sowden 8 < 1%
Turnout: 39%