Issue - decisions

Library Management Contract Extension

19/01/2018 - Library Management Contract Extension

Upon a ‘statement’ by the Leader of the Council, as set out in the published tabled document, a revised recommendation – tabled document refers – was  moved, duly seconded and it was


RESOLVED:  That the Corporate Director of  Community, following consultation with the Portfolio Holders for Community, Culture and Resident Engagement and Finance and Commercialisation, and the Director of Finance, be delegated authority to take all necessary steps to manage the liquidation process and, in particular, authority to:

a)            consider bringing the Library Services in house or to provide the Library Services through other service delivery models;

b)            novate the existing contract to a suitable alternative service provider;

c)            vary or terminate the existing contract as necessary;

d)            conduct a procurement process and award a new contract to a suitable alternative service provider;

a)            enter into any necessary negotiations and agreements to give effect to a) – d) above and the liquidation process.


Reason for Decision:  To enable the securing of the most efficient and high quality Library Services in the future following the notification that Carillion Integrated Services Ltd (CIS) had gone into compulsory liquidation. 


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:  As set out in the report.


Conflict of Interest relating to the matter declared by Cabinet Member/Dispensation Granted:  None.