Issue - decisions

Procurement of Kitchens & Bathrooms Refurbishment and Procurement of Windows & Doors Renewal

26/05/2023 - Procurement of Kitchens & Bathrooms Refurbishment and Procurement of Windows & Doors Renewal

Having agreed to note the confidential appendices to the officer report, Cabinet




(1)            the procurement processes for the selection of two contractors to deliver Kitchens and Bathrooms refurbishments and Windows and Doors renewals for 2 years on the 2023/24 and  2024/25 Housing Capital Programmes be agreed with the option to extend for a further year for both Lots, noting that the combined value of the Kitchens and Bathrooms Programmes was £2.613M and Windows and Doors Programmes was £1,848M funded from Housing Revenue Account (HRA) capital resources in financial years 2023/24 and 2024/25;


(2)            the commencement of procurement processes to identify suitable providers to deliver both programmes via an open tender process be approved;


(3)            the Corporate Director for Place, following consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing, be authorised to make any changes required to the tender documents following approval.


(4)            the tender documents be approved; and


(5)            the Corporate Director of Place, following consultation with the Portfolio Holders for Housing and Portfolio Holder for Finance and Human Resources and the Director of Finance, be authorised to award the contracts, appoint contractors to both procurements and arrange the execution of contracts with the successful tenderers.


Reason for Decision:  To comply with the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules and Financial Regulations, due to the aggregate estimated value of the potential contracts.