(1) the consultation of parking account holders and residents, during spring 2023, on moving all Harrow parking Penalty Charge Notices to the higher Band ‘A’ penalty rate, be approved;
(2) the Corporate Director of Place be authorised to consider the outcome of the consultation process and, subject to the outcome of the consultation, apply to the Transport and Environment Committee of London Councils to seek approval to implement the proposed change to have a borough wide Band A level for penalty charge notices in the borough of Harrow and support any subsequent application for approval to the Mayor of London and the Secretary of State for Transport; and
(3) subject to the outcome of the consultation and approval process, the Corporate Director of Place be authorised to give effect to the proposed banding changes for penalty charge notices in the London Borough of Harrow, including amending the current traffic management orders.
Reason for Decision: To provide a greater deterrent for motorists that contravene parking regulations and improve parking compliance across the borough, in line with surrounding borough charges.