Issue - decisions

Proposed West Drive and Bellfield Avenue Conservation Area designation – approval to consult

20/01/2023 - Proposed West Drive and Bellfield Avenue Conservation Area designation – approval to consult



(1)            the Planning Policy Advisory Panel’s consideration of the assessment (Appendix 1 to the officer report) and comments / recommendation (Appendix 2 to the officer report), be noted;


(2)            the proposed consultation arrangements (section 5 of the officer report) be noted;


(3)            consultation be undertaken on the proposed conservation area designation, with the outcomes of this process to be reported back to the Planning Policy Advisory Panel and Cabinet.


Reason for Decision:  Consideration of the proposed area as possible conservation area fulfilled the Council’s obligations under section 69 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 (‘the Act’) to determine whether any parts of their area should be designated as conservation areas and if so, designate these as conservation areas.  Whilst not a statutory requirement, the proposed consultation represented good practice.