Issue - decisions

Treasury Management Strategy Statement including Annual Investment Strategy for 2022/23 and Capital Strategy for 2022/23

11/02/2022 - Treasury Management Strategy Statement including Annual Investment Strategy for 2022/23 and Capital Strategy for 2022/23

Resolved to RECOMMEND:  to Council


(1)            That the Treasury Management Strategy Statement for 2022/23 be approved including:


·                 Prudential Indicators for the period 2022/23 to 2024/25

·                 Minimum Revenue Provision Policy Statement for 2022/23, (see para 2.8 and Appendix C to the officer report) 

·                 Annual Investment Strategy for 2022/23

·                 Annual Capital Strategy (Appendix G to the officer report).


[Call-in does not apply to the decision above as it is reserved to full Council.]


Reasons for Recommendation:  To promote effective financial management relating to the Authority’s borrowing and investment powers contained in the Local Government Act 2003, and supporting regulations and guidance detailed below:


-        the Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) Regulations 2003 (as amended)

-        CIPFA Prudential Code and Treasury Management Code of Practice 2017

-        DLUHC (Previously MHCLG) Investment and MRP Guidance 2018.