(1) the representations received in response to the consultation on the proposals and officers’ responses to these set out in the body of the report and Appendix 1, be noted;
(2) the addition of 15 parks and gardens to the Harrow local list of historic parks and gardens (as shown in Appendix 2 to the officer report with their proposed local list descriptions), be approved.
Reasons for Decision:
1. To comply with the National Planning Policy Framework requirement that planning authorities ensure that they made information about the significance of the historic environment gathered as part of plan-making or development management publicly accessible.
2. Providing locally listed status to those heritage assets that have local merit would help protect Harrow’s local historic and architectural interest and assist the Council to meet its corporate priority that seeks to build stronger communities.
3. To comply with the Harrow Core Strategy (adopted 12th February 2012) Strategic Objective 1 for ‘heritage assets – parks and gardens’ for an ‘up to date list of locally important historic parks and gardens’.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected: As set out in the report.
Conflict of Interest relating to the matter declared by Cabinet Member/Dispensation Granted: None.