To receive declarations of disclosable pecuniary or non pecuniary interests, arising from business to be transacted at this meeting, from all Members of the Council.
The Mayor invited appropriate declarations of interest.
Item 4 – Petitions
Councillor Mrs Chika Amadi declared a non pecuniary interest in that she was an Edgware ward councillor. She would remain in the Chamber for the consideration of this item.
Councillor Barry Kendler declared a non pecuniary interest in that he was an Edgware ward councillor. He would remain in the Chamber for the consideration of this item.
Councillor Nitin Parekh declared a non pecuniary interest in that he was an Edgware ward councillor. He would remain in the Chamber for the consideration of this item.
Item 9 – Regeneration Programme 2016-2020
Councillor Mrs Chika Amadi declared a non pecuniary interest in that she worked in Wealdstone and her husband had a business in Wealdstone. She would remain in the Chamber for the consideration of this item.
Councillor Susan Hall declared a non pecuniary interest in that she owned a business in Wealdstone. If the interest became pecuniary she would leave the Chamber for the consideration and voting on this item.
Item 16 – Motions – Southern Rail Motion
Councillor James Bond declared an interest in that he was employed by Transport for London. He would remain in the Chamber for the consideration and voting on this item.
Item 16 – Motions – Mental Health Challenge Motion
Councillor Richard Almond declared an interest in that he worked with patients detained under the Mental Health Act. He would remain in the Chamber for the consideration and voting on this item.
Councillor Jeff Anderson declared an interest in that family members had received treatment for a mental health issue. He would remain in the Chamber for the consideration and voting on this item.
Councillor Sue Anderson declared an interest in that she was employed in the mental health sector, had in the past received treatment for a mental health issue and a family member had received treatment for a mental health issue. She would remain in the Chamber for the consideration and voting on this item.
Councillor Graham Henson declared an interest in that his wife was employed in the mental health sector. He would remain in the Chamber for the consideration and voting on this item.
Councillor Kareema Kairul Marikar declared an interest due to working in the mental health sector and her involvement with PULSE community health. She would remain in the Chamber for the consideration and voting on this item.
Councillor Chris Mote declared an interest in that his daughter was employed at Northwick Park Hospital and as a result dealt with patients who had mental health issues. He would remain in the Chamber for the consideration and voting on this item.
Councillor Janet Mote declared an interest in that her daughter was employed at Northwick Park Hospital and as a result dealt with patients who had mental health issues. She would remain in the Chamber for the consideration and voting on this item.
Councillor Adam Swersky declared an interest in that he was employed in the mental health sector. He would remain in the Chamber for the consideration and voting on this item.