Agenda item

Petition Referred from Cabinet - Pinner Memorial Park

Reference from Cabinet on 19 February 2015


Members received a reference from the Cabinet meeting on 19 February in relation to a petition which requested that the Council reconsider budget cuts in relation to Pinner Memorial Park.  The Lead Petitioner read out the terms of the petition, and informed the Committee that the petition was still live and now contained over 1700 signatures.  He added that the park keeper, whose continued employment was a request within the petition, had recently been off sick and there had been a noticeable reduction in the maintenance and cleanliness of the park.


The Service Manager, Public Realm, informed the Committee of the planned changes to maintenance in Harrow’s parks, including:


·                    a reduction in the number of grass cuts;

·                    a reduction in litter collection (from twice weekly to once weekly);

·                    a reduction in pruning;

·                    a reduction in leaf clearance;

·                    a reduction in pond clearance;

·                    the removal of dedicated park keepers.


There would be new standards for park maintenance across the borough, with the exception of Canons Park, which was subject to certain funding requirements.  There would be 6 mobile park keeper teams, comprising 2 or 3 operatives, and these would be supported by a ‘blitz’ team for urgent response.  The park keeper named in the petition would be seconded to the mobile team covering Pinner Memorial Park, thereby providing for a level of continuity and continuing relationship with the local community.


The Service Manager commented that the operational coverage would in fact be comparable with the standards originally in place when Pinner Memorial Park had first received ‘green flag’ status. 


In response to queries, he confirmed the following:


·                    that a further ‘green flag’ assessment for Pinner Memorial Park was due in May but the new standards would continue to apply and no extra support would be given in advance of this; 


·                    the aspiration was to maintain ‘green flag’ status for all Harrow’s parks currently holding the award;


·                    new litter bins with covers and a larger capacity would be installed;


·                    Pinner Memorial Park enjoyed support from a number of local organisations, in particular the Pinner Association, and he hoped to explore these relationships further with a view to securing local support for planned events;


·                    the budgerigars in the park had been fed and watered during the keeper’s absence.


Members discussed the importance of keeping ‘green flag’ status for parks and the need to monitor maintenance and cleanliness standards following the introduction of the new standards.  They also discussed whether it was appropriate or desirable to use NIS monies for maintenance purposes.


The Chair concluded that despite the need to reduce maintenance and cleansing standards, the existing park keeper would be retained at Pinner Memorial Park as a member of a mobile unit covering the park, that the park benefitted from the involvement of strong and committed user and resident groups, and that officers were hopeful of retaining ‘green flag’ status across parks in the borough.  He thanked the lead petitioner for his interest and involvement.


RESOLVED:   That the new standards for park maintenance and mitigating actions taken be noted.