Agenda item

Motion referred to Executive - Yes to Homes


RESOLVED:  That the Motion be noted.


Reason for Decision:  To meet with the requirements set out in the Constitution (Council Procedure Rules).


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:  None.


Conflict of Interest relating to the matter declared by Cabinet Member / Dispensation Granted:  None.


[Call-in does not apply].


Cabinet received a reference titled ‘Yes to Homes’ from 27 February 2014 Council meeting which, in accordance with the provisions set out in the Constitution, had been referred to the Executive for consideration.


With the agreement of the Leader of the Council, a Non-Executive Non-Voting Cabinet Member spoke on the Motion.  He stated that the Motion had captured what was an ‘issue of the day’ and the challenges faced by residents in relation to housing.  He referred to the excellent work undertaken by Members in conjunction with the charity, Shelter, which had involved the setting up of a stall in Harrow Town Centre to talk to people about housing issues and the challenges they faced.  It was therefore important that the Motion was taken seriously rather than merely being noted.


The Portfolio Holder for Adults and Housing stated that it was important to understand the context in which this Motion ought to be considered.  The administration was addressing Harrow’s housing issues and he thanked his predecessor for the work he had carried out in removing the log jam for three years during 2010/13.  He asserted that the Council had started to address housing issues and that this had only happened once there had been a change in the administration.  The Council was looking at new areas that could be developed for housing, particularly in the ‘Opportunity Areas’ where 2,800 home were expected to be built, and had commenced the regeneration of its estates, such as Grange Farm estate.  The Garage Strategy had also been revitalised.  In addition to the 2,800 new homes in the Opportunity Area, around 700 new homes would be built on housing land and the administration was taking steps to move this agenda forward by looking to build Council houses, a policy that had remained stagnant for some time.  Moreover, it was noticeable that the Mover of the Motion was not present at the meeting to explain the Motion.


Another Non-Voting Non-Executive Cabinet Member was of the view that the housing issue ought to be acknowledged and that it was due to the state of the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) in previous years and the funding arrangements that had not made it possible to build houses.  The previous government had made finances available to build affordable homes.  He added that, in relation to the Garage Strategy, this had first commenced in 2010, and suggested that the Motion was merely supporting a form of housing in the borough which the Portfolio Holder appeared to be supporting.  In response, the Portfolio Holder for Communications, Performance and Resources stated that his colleague, Portfolio Holder for Adults and Housing, had laid down the foundations for the Garage Strategy/Housing Improvement Programme which had also helped to transform the Department and was being modest in taking credit for an innovative approach to housing provision.


RESOLVED:  That the Motion be noted.


Reason for Decision:  To meet with the requirements set out in the Constitution (Council Procedure Rules).


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:  None.


Conflict of Interest relating to the matter declared by Cabinet Member / Dispensation Granted:  None.


[Call-in does not apply].

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