Agenda item

Planning Applications Received

Report of the Divisional Director, Planning - circulated separately.


Members are reminded that, in accordance with the Planning Protocol, where Councillors disagree with the advice of the Divisional Director, Planning, it will be the Members' responsibility to clearly set out the reasons for refusal where the Officer recommendation is for grant.  The planning reasons for rejecting the Officer's advice must be clearly stated, whatever the recommendation and recorded in the minutes.  The Officer must be given the opportunity to explain the implications of the contrary decision.


In accordance with the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, the Addendum was admitted late to the agenda as it contained information relating to various items on the agenda and was based on information received after the despatch of the agenda.  It was admitted to the agenda in order to enable Members to consider all information relevant to the items before them for decision.


RESOLVED:  That authority be given to the Divisional Director of Planning to issue the decision notices in respect of the applications considered.




Reference:  P/2992/13 (Mr Steven Hatton). Reserved Matters for External Appearance of the Buildings, Design of the Buildings and Landscaping for the Site (Condition 9) Attached to Outline Planning Application Reference P/1941/07UN Dated 22/04/2010 For a Development to Provide 189 Dwellings (Layout, Scale and Access). Details Pursuant to Condition 2 (Boundary Treatment), Condition 8 (Levels), Condition 22 (Environmental Enhancement Scheme) and Condition 25 (Cycle Parking) of Outline Planning Application Reference P/1941/07UN Dated 22/04/2010 for a Development to Provide 189 Dwellings (Layout, Scale And Access).


An officer introduced the report, noting that the principle for development had previously been agreed including layout, scale and access.  The application before the Committee was for the reserved matters and details pursuant to conditions.  It was noted that the GLA directive referred to in the previous planning application had been withdrawn.  The addendum amended a number of conditions to enable development to begin as soon as possible with the consideration of detail when the work was underway.  It also removed conditions 14 and 15 as these had been previously agreed.


The Committee was informed of the removal of trees from around the building and the development of houses around the site.


In response to questions, the Committee was advised that:


·                     the overall roof levels were the same;


·                     quite an open landscape would result with limited tree planting around car parking areas and significant tree planting around the boundaries.  The Landscape Architect had been involved regarding potential amenity.  Condition 11 required a landscape management plan to be submitted;


·                     Section 106 monies were attached to the original planning permission for use for CPZ, buses and car club;


·                     neighbouring properties received notice of the application despite there being no requirement to do so.


The Committee received representations from an objector, Jack Welby, and the applicant, Steven Hatton.


DECISION:  GRANTED permission for the reserved matters for the development described in the application and submitted plans, and APPROVED details pursuant to the conditions described in the application and submitted plans, subject to conditions and informatives, as amended by the addendum.


The Committee wished it to be recorded that the decision to grant the application was unanimous.




Reference:  P/3009/13 (Ms Farzana Aldridge). Single Storey Front Extension; Conversion of Garage to Habitable Room; Raising of Roof Height.


It was noted that the application had been reported to Committee because the applicant was a Council employee and the determination of the application was therefore outside the Scheme of Delegation.


DECISION:  GRANTED permission for the development described in the application and submitted plans, subject to conditions and informatives

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