Agenda item

Harrow Mutual Support Network (HMSN)

Report of the Corporate Director of Community, Health and Wellbeing.


RESOLVED:  That, having taken into account Appendix 1 to the report in making a decision in respect of the delivery of a Harrow Mutual Support Network for the term of three years beginning on 1 April 2014 and ending on 31 March 2017, Age UK Harrow be awarded the contract for delivery of the project as the lead provider and that it would enter into sub-contracts with other local voluntary sector organisations,


Reason for Decision:  The Council made available the funding for the project in its Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS). In compliance with the Council’s Procedure Rules an open tendering procedure was followed and, based on the results, a recommendation was made to award the contract to the most economically advantageous tender.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:  As set out in the report.


Conflict of Interest relating to the matter declared by Cabinet Member / Dispensation Granted:  None.


The Portfolio Holder for Adults and Housing introduced the report, which set out the procurement process undertaken for the provision of the Harrow Mutual Support Network and sought agreement on the outcome.


The Portfolio Holder stated that this exciting proposal, which had been developed over several years and would bring voluntary organisations together by creating a network in which people accessed, shared or purchased support and services with others who were paid or volunteered to give support.  It would help people to stay independent, share skills and knowledge and reduce isolation thereby creating healthier communities which in turn would reduce the dependency on the Council for provision of services.  The funding was fixed at £450,000 over a period of three years from various funding streams. Payment would depend on performance and that, subject to Cabinet approval, Age UK Harrow would be the lead provider.  The Portfolio Holder thanked the Head of Transformation, Community, Health and Wellbeing for bringing this scheme to fruition.


A Non-Voting Non-Executive Cabinet Member welcomed the scheme as a preventative measure.  He too congratulated the Head of Transformation, Community, Health and Wellbeing and the former Portfolio Holder for their work in this area.  He asked a number of questions relating to its proper implementation, if additional investment would be made in the scheme and the expected outcomes.  In response, the Portfolio Holder reiterated that the intention of the scheme was to bring isolated people together and to enable them to share skills and that the money would be paid in tranches, subject to performance which would be measured by a Board that had been set up.  Additionally, potential savings were huge.  The outcomes that the scheme was seeking were described below with the Corporate Priority of ensuring a Fair access to opportunity:


·                     looking after those who were more vulnerable;


·                     helping people to live independently;


·                     improving the health and wellbeing, particularly those with mental health;


·                     helping those who wanted to work to find work by extending skills and training opportunities.


The Leader of the Council welcomed the scheme which, as well as saving money, would provide better lives for residents.


Having considered a confidential appendix prior to reaching a decision, Cabinet:


RESOLVED:  That, having taken into account Appendix 1 to the report in making a decision in respect of the delivery of a Harrow Mutual Support Network for the term of three years beginning on 1 April 2014 and ending on 31 March 2017, Age UK Harrow be awarded the contract for delivery of the project as the lead provider and that it would enter into sub-contracts with other local voluntary sector organisations,


Reason for Decision:  The Council made available the funding for the project in its Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS). In compliance with the Council’s Procedure Rules an open tendering procedure was followed and, based on the results, a recommendation was made to award the contract to the most economically advantageous tender.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:  As set out in the report.


Conflict of Interest relating to the matter declared by Cabinet Member / Dispensation Granted:  None.

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