Agenda item

Key Decision - Future Organisation of Stanburn First School 4-7 Years and Stanburn Junior School

Report of the Corporate Director of Children and Families.


RESOLVED:  That, having determined the statutory proposals in relation to Stanburn First School (4-7 Years) and Stanburn Junior School, the two schools be amalgamated in January 2014, namely to:


·                     extend the age range of Stanburn First School (4-7 Years) to establish a primary school with an age range of 4 years (reception) to 11 years (year 6) from 1 January 2014;


·                     expand the capacity of Stanburn First School (4-7 Years) from 1 January 2014; and


·                     discontinue Stanburn Junior School on 31 December 2013.


Reason for Decision:  In line with the Council’s amalgamation policy, combining the two schools would give the opportunity to further improve educational standards by enabling planning as a coherent whole across the primary phase of the national curriculum.  It would also provide a greater flexibility across and between key stages.  Access to the whole primary curriculum supports and informs whole school planning, assessment, pastoral systems, etc., and provides opportunities for wider staff development and experience across the full primary phase.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:  Reject the proposals. Approve the proposals with modifications, for example in relation to the implementation date. Approve the proposals subject to meeting a separate condition.


Conflict of Interest relating to the matter declared by Cabinet Member / Dispensation Granted:  None.


The Portfolio Holder for Children and Schools introduced the report, which sought approval to enable Stanburn First School and Stanburn Junior School to combine in January 2014.  The Portfolio Holder added that the Council’s Amalgamation Policy, which required governing bodies of separate schools to amalgamate schools when trigger circumstances arose, had been triggered as the Headteacher of Stanburn Junior School had retired in August 2013.


The Portfolio Holder expressed her gratitude for the work carried out by the governing bodies and stated that, following a challenging consultation, both the governing bodies had supported the amalgamation.  She praised the effective collaborative work and communication undertaken by the governing bodies in reaching a decision, and commended the report to Cabinet.


RESOLVED:  That, having determined the statutory proposals in relation to Stanburn First School (4-7 Years) and Stanburn Junior School, the two schools be amalgamated in January 2014, namely to:


·                     extend the age range of Stanburn First School (4-7 Years) to establish a primary school with an age range of 4 years (reception) to 11 years (year 6) from 1 January 2014;


·                     expand the capacity of Stanburn First School (4-7 Years) from 1 January 2014; and


·                     discontinue Stanburn Junior School on 31 December 2013.


Reason for Decision:  In line with the Council’s amalgamation policy, combining the two schools would give the opportunity to further improve educational standards by enabling planning as a coherent whole across the primary phase of the national curriculum.  It would also provide a greater flexibility across and between key stages.  Access to the whole primary curriculum supported and informed whole school planning, assessment, pastoral systems, etc., and provided opportunities for wider staff development and experience across the full primary phase.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:  Reject the proposals. Approve the proposals with modifications, for example, in relation to the implementation date.  Approve the proposals subject to meeting a separate condition.


Conflict of Interest relating to the matter declared by Cabinet Member / Dispensation Granted:  None.

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