Agenda item

Public Questions

To receive any public questions received in accordance with paragraph 16 of the Executive Procedure Rules.


Questions will be asked in the order notice of them was received and there be a time limit of 15 minutes.


[The deadline for receipt of public questions is 3.00 pm, Monday 9 September 2013.  Questions should be sent to  

No person may submit more than one question].


RESOLVED:  To note that the following public questions had been received:





Simon Brown


Asked of:



Councillor Asad Omar, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for  Environment and Community Safety


Question submitted:


“Has the Portfolio Holder calculated the additional cost to the Council of the consequences of leaving the gates of Harrow Recreation Ground unlocked at night, due to increased vandalism, repair to park equipment and environment, and increased cost to the Metropolitan Police and Council in dealing with additional anti-social behaviour.  Would the Portfolio Holder advise this cost, and if it has not yet been calculated, would he not agree that it will be far in excess of the small savings he is anticipating from not locking the gates?  This is in addition to the unquantifiable cost of increased disturbance and loss of amenity and security of local residents and park users.”


The Leader:


In view of the statement made by the Portfolio Holder (Minute 682 refers), would you want to move to a supplementary question?


Supplemental Question:

I would like to congratulate the Portfolio Holder on listening to the residents and users of Harrow Recreation Ground and the other parks and cemeteries in the borough, even if it is at the last minute and made a decision that 99% of people thought was a sensible decision to make.


Could I ask if he has now included this item or will be including this item in next year’s budget.  Will the parks be kept locked after the financial year ends and into the next year?    


Supplemental Answer:

Cllr Omar

What I would say is, at this moment in time and we are responsible for the budget up to next February.  What happens in the next budget, is up to the administration in power.  I cannot promise anything but what I can say is, if we are still in power, then we promise to look into it.






Asked of:



Councillor Asad Omar, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for  Environment and Community Safety

Question submitted:


“A news article in the Daily Mail has recently reported that a travelling community have set up homes in a park, in Sussex, as the Council decided to keep the gates unlocked, meaning powers to evict no longer applies.  This has left the local residents to fear for their safety and children not being able to play in the park as it’s unsafe.  How will you, as the Portfolio Holder of the Environment and Community Safety, ensure that the residents surrounding the parks, in Harrow, are kept safe and protect their homes from being unlawfully accessed and or vandalised?”




In view of the statement made by the Portfolio Holder (Minute 682 refers), I will not be asking my question or a supplementary.







Asked of:



Councillor Asad Omar, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for  Environment and Community Safety

Question Submitted:


“What level of public opinion or consultation have you done to ensure the decisions you are making re not lock the park gates or not cutting the grass in certain parks are accurate?”




Thank you for making a decision to continue to lock the gates at night (Minute682 refers).  I will go straight into the supplementary question which is to do with the grass in the parks.


Supplemental Question:


If we have the same pressure of getting public petitions, public meetings and letters similar to those for park gates, will you consider reversing the decision to not cut the grass and continue to cut the grass?


Supplemental Answer:

Cllr Omar:

As I said before, we are a Listening Council and we are listening to residents.  We are not just talking, the previous administration did “Let’s Talk” but we do listen.  If we get a similar situation, we will look into it.    


Supporting documents: