Agenda item


To receive any petitions submitted by members of the public or Councillors.


(1)               Taxicards - Petition


Angela Dias, Harrow Association of Disabled people, presented a petition signed by 363 people with the following terms of reference:


“We, the undersigned, who are committed to the rights of disabled people to participate fully in society, call on Harrow Council to restore the taxicard allowance to 104 journeys per year for everyone who is assessed to need a taxicard.”


RESOLVED:  That the petition be received and considered with agenda item 15, Concessionary Travel – Changes to the Taxicard Scheme’.


(2)               Yellow Line Parking Restrictions – Rayners Lane - Petition


Jeremy Zeid presented a petition signed by 100 people, with the following terms of reference:


“ We, the undersigned residents and businesses object to the following:


That Harrow Council is to impose more yellow line parking restrictions, without loading facilities, on the shops, services, businesses and customers of Rayners Lane and its environs.  This at a time of economic uncertainty and reduced takings, borders on collective municipal insanity.  The Council should make life easier, not harder.


The punitive actions will prevent businesses, deliveries, collections and customers from shopping, loading or unloading without risking a £60 welcome-to-Harrow “revenue raiser”.  Businesses already in difficulty will close, the rest will be badly hit.  The result will be another once thriving shopping street (like Station Road), turned by a greedy, seemingly uncaring Council, into another shuttered ghost town full of betting shops, loan-sharks, pawnbrokers and closed premises and a seething, growing resentment by people at the ends of their tethers.


May WE, the taxpaying residents and businesses of Harrow remind the Council who pays for them, their employees and all of the buildings, and demand that this appalling decision be reversed immediately as any delay for “consultations” will not only cost residents and businesses dearly, but also the Council in its inevitably reduced “revenue” and increased benefits bill.”


RESOLVED:  That the petition be received and referred to the Corporate Director of Environment and Enterprise and the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Community Safety for consideration.


(3)               The Croft, Playing Field, Pinner HA5 - Petition


A local resident presented a petition signed by 305 people, with the following terms of reference:


“ We, the undersigned, oppose the decision made to keep the gates of The Croft, Playing Field (off Cannonbury Avenue and Glover Road, Pinner, HA5) open throughout the night. Reasons for opposition:  This will


·           encourage anti-social behaviour, including underage drinking and the use of drugs;


·           provide unlawful access to our properties without being seen or noticed, in the dark, and be targeted and burgled;


·           leave home owners and their families vulnerable and fear for their safety, most of whom have young children or are elderly;


·           definitely impact on the market value of our properties.


The Croft has been subject to anti-social behaviour prior to the gates being installed, hence the effort by the public and the Safer Neighbourhood Watch to fight to get them installed and closed during unsociable hours.”


RESOLVED:  That the petition be received and referred to the Corporate Director of Environment and Enterprise and the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Community Safety for consideration.