Agenda item

Special Needs Transport Change Programme 3 (SNT 3)

Report of the Divisional Director of Special Needs Service.




(1)               the progress on the SNT3 Programme be noted;


(2)               the Corporate Director of Children and Families, in consultation with the Portfolio Holders for Children, Schools and Families, Property and Major Contracts, and Adult Social Care, Health and Wellbeing, be authorised to:


a)                 procure, select and award contracts to the preferred transport services suppliers on such terms as agreed, acting in the best interests of the Council and in doing so promoting local social enterprises and private organisations;


b)                 consult on a new transport eligibility policy;


(3)               a further progress report with a final draft policy be received for approval in Autumn 2013.


Reason for Decision:  The MTFS provided a need and a timeframe for delivering further savings of £540k from special transport.  The SNT3 programme would deliver the required savings whilst maintaining the service required by residents. 


To deliver savings within the timescales required delegated authority to identify best providers and award contracts to the best placed provider.


A broader, more flexible delivery would future proof the service for the direction of government policy.  The preferred option would seek solutions that were delivered by local suppliers and local social and community enterprises.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:  As set out in the report.


Conflict of Interest relating to the matter declared by Cabinet Member / Dispensation Granted:  None.


Cabinet received a report of the Divisional Director of Special Needs Services, which set out a programme of change for the service that included significant procurement of new suppliers to the Council over the next 3 years. 


In inviting the Portfolio Holder for Children, Schools and Families to introduce the report, the Leader of the Council stated that the way forward was well defined and he thanked officers and his colleagues for their work.


The Portfolio Holder for Children, Schools and Families stated that as part of the process for SNT 3, it was important that a high level of service continued to be maintained.  She was supported by the Corporate Director of Children and Families in this regard, who added that following the successful implementation of SNT 1 and 2, the Council had been working with relevant parties, including the Unions, to deliver on SNT3.


The Corporate Director added that Harrow was one of the few local authorities that had continued to maintain an in-house service.  She informed Cabinet that at present a percentage of the travel routes were outsourced.  The Council would work with local providers and the existing work force, over a period of three years to deliver on this complex project.  She cited an article in a local newspaper, which showed the support given to this project by the Chief Executive of the Harrow Association of Voluntary Services (HAVS).


The Portfolio Holders for Performance, Customer Services and Corporate Services and Community and Cultural Services commended the work undertaken by officers and the Portfolio Holder for Children, Schools and Families with a view to further radicalising the services over a period, including the building of relationships and trust with local organisations whilst maintaining the services provided.




(1)               the progress on the SNT3 Programme be noted;


(2)               the Corporate Director of Children and Families, in consultation with the Portfolio Holders for Children, Schools and Families, Property and Major Contracts, and Adult Social Care, Health and Wellbeing, be authorised to:


a)                 procure, select and award contracts to the preferred transport services suppliers on such terms as agreed, acting in the best interests of the Council and in doing so promoting local social enterprises and private organisations;


b)                 consult on a new transport eligibility policy;


(3)               a further progress report with a final draft policy be received for approval in Autumn 2013.


Reason for Decision:  The MTFS provided a need and a timeframe for delivering further savings of £540k from special transport.  The SNT3 programme would deliver the required savings whilst maintaining the service required by residents. 


To deliver savings within the timescales required delegated authority to identify best providers and award contracts to the best placed provider.


A broader, more flexible delivery would future proof the service for the direction of government policy.  The preferred option would seek solutions that were delivered by local suppliers and local social and community enterprises.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:  As set out in the report.


Conflict of Interest relating to the matter declared by Cabinet Member / Dispensation Granted:  None.

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