Agenda item

INFORMATION REPORT - Half Yearly Health and Safety Report

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive.


The Committee considered an information report of the Assistant Chief Executive, which summarised the Council’s Health and Safety Performance for the period 1 April – 30 September 2011.  The report provided an update of the activities undertaken and included outcome measures on the training undertaken, audits performed and accidents reported.


The Divisional Director Risk, Audit and Fraud highlighted the achievements, particularly in relation to the monitoring of asbestos.  He added that the 2-year Plan was broadly on target and that a great deal of work on reviewing policies had been carried out since its instigation as a response to both the Improvement Notices served and the Independent Peer Review in 2011.


The Divisional Director Risk, Audit and Fraud informed Members that the take up on the numbers of training courses on offer had been relatively low compared to previous years and that Managers had expressed concerns about the Occupational Health Service in relation to referrals.  As a result of these concerns, discussions with the providers of the Service had ensued and a series of actions and monitoring had been agreed to resolve difficulties.


Various aspects of the report were queried by Members, such as the high take up of Fire Safety Awareness courses by the Children’s Services Directorate, the continued provision of Health and Safety courses together the advice and support being given, the poor take up on the course on Stress Awareness, the general take up of courses on offer by Councillors, the plans for working with Academies, training with schools, and asbestos management in Council housing.  In response, the Divisional Director and the Assistant Chief Executive stated that:


·                     the take up Fire Awareness courses by the Children’s Services Directorate had been as a result of a direct marketing campaign at schools;


·                     the number of courses had not been reduced but the take up had fallen, as a result of which e-learning was  being considered;


·                     improvements in working with schools had taken place and policies revised in relation to staffing problems. Levels of accidents in schools remained an issue;


·                     work was underway in drawing up Service Level Agreements (SLAs) with Academies.  However, the Academies were not required to report on their health and safety performance through the Council;


·                     they were not aware of any specific issues relating to the management of asbestos in the Council’s housing stock but undertook to speak with the Member concerned to identify the problem.  A comprehensive programme on identifying asbestos and issuing advice as part of the Decent Homes Programme was being undertaken by the Council’s partner Kier which was scheduled to be completed in 2013.


A Member congratulated officers on the courses on offer, particularly the quality which had improved drastically.  He stressed that there was a need to promote these courses to Members.  Another Member asked about the working relationship with the Trade Unions in relation to health and safety issues.  In response, the Divisional Director stated that regular meetings were held with the Trade Unions and between the lead members.  However, further development of the relationship was essential.


The Chairman suggested that comparative figures be provided in relation to reported number of accidents and it was noted that full year figures would be provided.


RESOLVED: That the report be noted.

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