Agenda item

Strategic Performance Report (Q4)

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive.


RESOLVED:  That the report be noted and Portfolio Holders continue working with officers to achieve improvement against identified key challenges.


Reason for Decision:  To note performance against key measures and to identify and assign corrective action where necessary.


The Portfolio Holder for Performance, Customer Services and Corporate Services introduced a report, which summarised Council and service performance against key measures and drew attention to areas requiring action.  He added that the Council had performed well against the financial challenges which were severe.


The Leader of the Council stated that the most recent accolade received had been the prestigious MJ Award, given to the Council, as recognition for being the Best Achieving Council for 2011.  The Panel of distinguished judges had commended the maturity of both the political and managerial leaders, and complimented Harrow for delivering a “sustained and embedded change using a modern approach to doing business but never losing sight of its priorities, namely its residents”.  Moreover, the overall satisfaction rate amongst residents was 63%, which was a rise of 15% when compared to previous years.  The Council’s priority ‘Untied and Involved Communities’ had shown an increase of 20%, as more residents felt that the Council was taking account of their views.  Overall, the levels of engagement had increased, and the results of the 2011 staff survey had also been positive.  However, the Council would continue to face a difficult future but it would not lose sight of its responsibilities.


Portfolio Holders echoed the sentiments expressed by the Leader of the Council and outlined the notable achievements and challenges in each of their Portfolios.  Of particular note were:


·                     that financial management had been improved showing an underspend of £1.1m;


·                     the reserves held by the Council had increased;


·                     the position of the Capital Programme had improved;


·                     the ‘Let’s Talk’ engagement campaign had assisted in shaping a new vision and priorities for the Council;


·                     the recycling rate was excellent and residents ought to be applauded for their participation in this regard;


·                     street cleaning had been vastly improved;


·                     the Council had recruited over 1,200 Neighbourhood Champions and ought to applaud the good community spirit in Harrow;


·                     personal budgets had helped to improve outcomes for users;


·                     the reablement service would help people live more independently;


·                     Harrow had been accepted as one of the pilot authorities for the setting up of the Health & Wellbeing Board which would be to its benefit;

·                     the Council was working positively with the appropriate bodies in light of the issues of closure relating to the care home operator, Southern Cross, in order to minimise any disruption to any displacements;


·                     rent arrears continued to fall;


·                     Help2Let agency to match residents with those on housing waiting lists with private landlords was innovative and beneficial.  The Portfolio Holder for Performance, Customer Services and Corporate Services congratulated staff for this piece of work;


·                     the Children’s Services had performed well with the pioneering adoption service being recognised as the best in the country.  School exclusion rates had been reduced, work to ensure that schools were supported in their move towards becoming academies had been recognised, the Harrow Schools’ Improvement Partnership (HSIP) was a unique response to government cuts to help schools improve and which other boroughs had taken an interest in; these being amongst the many achievements in the Directorate and schools against significant pressures;


·                     the Place Shaping Directorate was looking to regenerate areas through the Major Development Panel, the Harrow & Wealdstone Intensification area would deliver on new homes, jobs and help enhance the local environment, the Xcite project had supported people into work.


The Portfolio Holder for Performance, Customer Services and Corporate Services added that progress on the Better Deal for Residents Programme had been significant, various projects had been delivered on time such as the Customer Call Centre, Libraries, Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID), and generally the feedback from staff and residents had been positive.  Sickness amongst staff had been reduced and the cost saving in this area should not be underestimated.  However, the Council would not be complacent and recognised the need to build on the success achieved to date.


RESOLVED:  That the report be noted and Portfolio Holders continue working with officers to achieve improvement against identified key challenges.


Reason for Decision:  To note performance against key measures and to identify and assign corrective action where necessary.

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