Agenda item


To receive declarations of personal or prejudicial interests arising from business to be transacted at this meeting, from all members of the Council.


The Mayor invited appropriate declarations of interest. Members declaring interests considered these to be personal and that they could speak and vote thereon.


Item 10 – Revenue and Capital Outturn 2010/11


Councillor Husain Akhtar declared that his son worked for the NHS.


Councillor Sue Anderson declared that she worked for the NHS.


Councillor Ann Gate declared that she was employed by the NHS.


Councillor Brian Gate declared that his wife was an employee of the NHS.


Councillor Thaya Idaikkadar declared that his daughter worked for the NHS.


Councillor Chris Mote declared that a relative was in receipt of disability benefits and accommodation from the Council and his daughter was a nurse in the NHS.


Councillor Janet Mote declared that she was a member of ATL and a relative was in receipt of disability benefits and accommodation from the Council.


Item 14 – Amendments to Representatives on Outside Bodies


Councillor Husain Akhtar declared that he was a local authority appointed member on the Citizens Advice Bureau.


Councillor Sue Anderson declared that she was a trustee of the Welldon Activity Group, the Harrow Association of Disabled People and the Harrow Nature Conservation Forum.


Councillor Mrs Lurline Champagnie declared that she was a member of Relate North West London.


Councillor Ramji Chauhan declared that he was a member of Harrow Agenda 21.


Councillor Margaret Davine declared that she was a trustee of Relate North West London and a member of Harrow in Europe.


Councillor Brian Gate declared that he was a member of Harrow in Europe and Citizens Advice Bureau.


Councillor Susan Hall declared that she was the Chairman of the Community Safety Committee for LFEPA.


Councillor Manji Kara declared that he was a member of Harrow in Europe, Aid UK and the Harrow Refugees’ Forum.


Councillor Jean Lammiman declared that she was a member of Harrow in Europe, Harrow Young Musicians, Harrow Association of Voluntary Services, Harrow Equalities Centre and Relate North West London.


Councillor John Nickolay declared that he was the chairman of trustees for the Welldon Activity Group and a member of Harrow in Europe.


Councillor Joyce Nickolay declared that she was a member of the Harrow Association of Voluntary Services, Bentley Priory, Harrow Weald Common Conservators and Harrow in Europe.


Councillor Raj Ray declared that he was a member of the National Autistic Society – Harrow Branch.


Councillor Navin Shah declared that he was a member of the Harrow Equalities Centre and the Mahatma Gandhi Foundation.


Councillor Yogesh Teli declared that he was a trustee and Chairman of the Ashiana Trust.


Item 16(1) – Motions – London Grants


Councillor Barry Macleod-Cullinane declared that he was an employee of London Councils Ltd.


Item 16(2) – Motions – Strike Action


Councillor Sue Anderson declared that she was a member of Unison and the Public Commercial Services Union.


Councillor James Bond declared that he was an employee of the London Underground.


Councillors Bob Currie and Margaret Davine declared that they were retired members of Unison.


Councillor Keith Ferry declared that he, along with his wife, were members of the GMB Union.


Councillor Stephen Greek declared that he was an employee of the London Assembly.


Councillor Jerry Miles declared that he was a member of Unison.


Councillor Amir Moshenson declared that his wife was a member of NASWT.


Councillor Lynda Seymour declared that she was a member of Unison.


Councillor Navin Shah declared that he was a member of the GMB Union and the London Assembly.


Councillor Sachin Shah declared that he was a member of the Unite Union.


Councillor William Stoodley declared that he was a former branch secretary for the Public Commercial Services Union.