Agenda item

Stanmore Controlled Parking Zone Review - Consultation Results

Report of the Corporate Director Community and Environment.


The Panel received a report of the Corporate Director Community and Environment setting out the findings of a public consultation on a possible extension of the Controlled Parking Zones (CPZ) B & H in Stanmore and various parking changes within the existing CPZs.  It also recommended the roads for which parking controls were to be amended, introduced or removed, based on residents’ responses and should be progressed to statutory consultation and implementation. 


An officer stated that there had been consultation on parking controls in Green Lanes following petitions reported to the February 2010 meeting of the Panel.  Restrictions between 8.00 am and 6.30 pm Monday-Saturday had been proposed.  This measure had been supported by residents in the southern end of Green Lanes but rejected by residents living in the northern end of Green Lanes, and supported by only half of those residents of Culverlands Close who had responded.  He added that officers had attended a residents’ meeting but there had been no clear support for the proposed measures or any other parking controls.  Further consultation would be carried out later that week on proposals for a one way section on Green Lane north of Culverlands Close.  Any parking measures regarding Green Lane and Culverlands Close would be on hold until the results of this consultation were compiled.


The officer added that the report’s recommendation be modified to include 21?29 Rees Drive following two deputations presented at the February 2010 meeting of the Panel, and the amendment, as tabled by Members, be added to the resolution below.


Resolved to RECOMMEND: (to the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Community Safety)  That


(1)               Stanmore Controlled Parking Zone changes, following statutory consultation, be implemented into the following roads as shown in the plans at Appendix E:


(a)               to remove the following roads from the Controlled Parking Zone while maintaining no waiting at any time restrictions at junctions, bends and narrowings as shown on the plans.


·           Berry Hill

·           Linden Close

·           Partridge Close

·           Rees Drive, Nos 21-29


(b)               to include the following roads in the Stanmore Controlled Parking Zone B:


·           Spring Lake

·           Stanmore Hill (from Hill Close to Green Lane)


(c)               to implement no waiting at any time (double yellow line) restrictions in the following roads:


·           Copley Road (from No 3 to No 33)


·           Du Cros Drive (from Pembroke Lodge to No 1)


·           Glebe Road and Glebe Court (from No 22 to No 28, from No 29 to No 37 and the whole of Glebe Court)


·           Gleneagles (from the junction of Gleneagles and Gordon Avenue to existing double yellow lines at the junction of Rosedale Close and Gordon Avenue)


·           Morecambe Gardens (from No 5 covering the turning head)


·           Sunningdale Close (with the junction of Gordon Avenue)


(d)               to convert sections of double yellow lines to single yellow lines (hours of control 3.00 – 4.00 pm Monday-Friday) in:-


·           Rectory Lane - for a distance 4 metres either side of the path leading to St Johns Church, and for a distance 8 metres west of the junction with Old Church Lane to a distance 17 metres west of Old Church Lane.


(2)               officers carry out further consultation with local residents in respect of parking controls in Green Lane and Culverlands Close and submit a further report to a future Panel meeting.


(3)               officers be authorised to make minor amendments and finalise the detailed design of the parking controls in accordance with Appendix B, notify all consultees of the consultation results and decision and how they can make final statutory objections to the advertised proposals, undertake statutory consultation under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, advertise the traffic regulation orders, and implement the scheme, subject to consideration of any objections;


(4)               the Service Manager, Traffic and Highway Network Management, be authorised to determine any objections to the scheme received as a result of the statutory consultation or otherwise in consultation with the Portfolio Holder.


Reason for Decision: To control parking in Stanmore.

Supporting documents: