Agenda item

Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of personal or prejudicial interests, arising from business to be transacted at this meeting, from all Members present.


RESOLVED: To note the following declarations of interest made by Members present relating to business to be transacted at this meeting:


(i)                   Planning Application 1/04 – Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital (RNOH), Brockley Hill, Stanmore

Councillor Marilyn Ashton declared a personal interest in the above application arising from the fact that she was a member of the Stanmore Society.  Accordingly, she remained in the room and took part in the discussion and decision-making on this item.


(ii)                 Planning Application 1/04 – Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital (RNOH), Brockley Hill, Stanmore

Councillor Mrs Bath declared a personal interest in the above application arising from the fact that she had family membership of the Stanmore Society, of which her partner was Vice-Chair.  Accordingly, she remained in the room and took part in the discussion and decision-making on this item.


(iii)                Planning Application 1/04 – Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital (RNOH), Brockley Hill, Stanmore

Councillor Bluston declared a personal interest in the above application arising from the fact that he was Chair of the Health and Social Care Scrutiny Sub?-Committee.  Accordingly, he remained in the room and took part in the discussion and decision?making on this item.


(iv)                Planning Application 1/04 – Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital (RNOH), Brockley Hill, Stanmore

Councillor Choudhury declared a personal interest in the above application arising from the fact that he used to be a member of the RNOH Community and Development Committee.  Accordingly, he remained in the room and took part in the discussion and decision-making on this item.


(v)                  Planning Application 1/04 – Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital (RNOH), Brockley Hill, Stanmore

Councillor Janet Cowan declared a personal interest in the above application arising from the fact that she was a member of the Stanmore Society.  Accordingly, she remained in the room and took part in the discussion and decision-making on this item.


(vi)                Planning Application 1/04 – Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital (RNOH), Brockley Hill, Stanmore

Councillor John Cowan, who was not a Member of the Committee, declared a personal interest in the above application arising from the fact that he was a member of the Stanmore Society, and had, in the past, been a patient of the RNOH.


(vii)               Planning Application 1/04 – Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital (RNOH), Brockley Hill, Stanmore

Councillor Mrs Joyce Nickolay declared a personal interest in the above application arising from the fact that she was a Member of the Health and Social Care Scrutiny Sub?Committee.  Accordingly, she remained in the room and took part in the discussion and decision-making on this item.


(viii)             Agenda items 18 and 20 – 102, 104, 106 High Street, Harrow on the Hill

Councillor Marilyn Ashton declared that Conservative Members of the Committee had a prejudicial interest in the above application.  Accordingly, Councillors Marilyn Ashton, Mrs Bath, Billson, Janet Cowan and Mrs Joyce Nickolay left the room and took no part in the discussion or decision-making on this item.


(ix)               Agenda item 18 – 102, 104, 106 High Street, Harrow on the Hill

Councillor Mrs Kinnear, who was not a Member of the Committee, declared a personal interest in the above agenda item.