Agenda item

Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of personal or prejudicial interests, arising from business to be transacted at this meeting, from all Members present.


RESOLVED:  (1)  To note the following declarations of interest made by Members present relating to the business to be transacted at this meeting:


(i)                   Planning Application 2/01 – 15 Holland Walk, Stanmore

Councillor Marilyn Ashton declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the above application. 


Councillors Mrs Bath and Janet Cowan also declared a prejudicial interest.


Councillors Marilyn Ashton, Mrs Bath and Janet Cowan left the room and took no part in the discussion or decision?making on this item.


At the point of the meeting at which this item was discussed, Councillors Billson and Joyce Nickolay clarified that they had only a personal interest in this item.  Accordingly, they remained in the room and took part in the discussion and decision?making on this item.


(ii)                 Planning Application 2/09 – Hamstede, 4 Priory Drive, Stanmore

Councillor Marilyn Ashton declared a personal interest in the above application on the basis that a Member of the Conservative Group lived nearby.  Councillor Marilyn Ashton stated that she had taken legal advice regarding her interest, and that accordingly, she would remain in the room and take part in the discussion and decision?making on this item.


It was noted that the personal interest also applied to the Members of the Conservative Group on the Committee except for Councillor Mrs Bath who stated that her interest was a prejudicial one.


Councillor Mrs Bath left the room and took no part in the discussion and decision?making on this item.


(iii)                Main Agenda Item 12 – Enforcement Notices Awaiting Compliance

Councillor Mrs Bath declared an interest in respect of 1 Nelson Road because she knew the person who lived in this property.


(iv)                Main Agenda Item 16 – Prince Edward Playing Fields – Environment Agency Flood Alleviation Works

Councillors Bluston and Miles declared a non-prejudicial interest in the above item because they were Council appointed Members of Harrow Sports Council.


Accordingly, they remained in the room and took part in the discussion and decision?making on this item.


(v)                  Main Agenda Item 20 – Broomhill, Mount Park Manor, Harrow on the Hill

The Chair, on behalf of the Labour Group, declared an interest in the above item because of a connection through the Labour Party. 


At the point of the meeting at which this item was about to be discussed, the Chair further clarified the declaration of interest by stating that the owner of the above?mentioned property had contacted Members of the Labour Group on the Committee and therefore the interest was prejudicial.  Accordingly, all Members of the Labour Group on this Committee left the room and did not take part in the discussions and decision?making on this item.


[Note:  Councillor Marilyn Ashton, the Vice-Chair, chaired the meeting during the discussion and decision?making on this item].


(2)  to note that a discussion took place among the Members of the Committee regarding the requirement or otherwise for particular Members to declare an interest in relation to item 1/01, “19 & 21 & R/O 11-29 Alexandra Avenue, South Harrow”, by virtue of information circulated in advance of the meeting indicating a prior view taken on the merits of the application:  this was debated in the context of practices adopted by Members generally in preparing written reasons for proposed decisions and the legal advice that Members should not make up their minds on an application until they had heard all the evidence put before them at the meeting.


[Note:  Following this discussion, no declarations of interest were made in respect of this item].