Report of the Deputy Chief Executive, London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust
Members received an introduction to the report by Mr Simon Crawford, the Deputy Chief Executive, London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust and a presentation from Mr John Watson, the divisional director of operations for St Mark's services.
Members asked the following questions:
A Member questioned how the c50 in-patient beds released at NPH would be utilised and when as the emergency department was under unrelenting pressure. It was explained that the beds had already been converted to additional non-elective emergency admission capacity and had been vital in supporting the Trusts response to emergency demand.
The Chair questioned if the success of the move was corroborated by feedback from patients and residents who may have had concerns about the increased travel time. It was explained that as St Marks is a national service where patients come locally and from all over the country, many of St Marks patients have chronic long term conditions requiring on-going treatment and support and where it is possible, patients will still be able to attend the site of their preference although all the most complex surgery cases requiring possible access to a critical care bed will still be undertaken at Northwick Park Hospital. The main benefit of moving to Central Middlesex was to provide protected capacity where the less complex operations can be planned and completed without risk of cancellation due to demand from emergency patients requiring theatre time. Planned procedures at CMH are now reliably delivered so people have waited less time because of the move than they otherwise would have. Mr Watson explained over 2,000 procedures have taken place successfully since the move to CMH and patient feedback has been very positive.
The Chair questioned about the expected net impact of the additional capacity that would be created by the £10m capital redevelopment, for five new endoscopy suites at CMH. It was explained that at Northwick Park there was a facility with six rooms, which were too small and no longer met the requirements for a modern effective endoscopy suite. There was not enough recovery space. For Northwick Park the Trust has plans to refurbish the existing department to create four modern appropriately sized rooms, meeting latest dignity and infection control standards. In addition the 5 new endoscopy suites being built at Central Middlesex, will give a net overall increase of 3 endoscopy suites in total which is necessary to support the increased referrals for endoscopies in line with National demand and capacity forecasts as well as local population growth modelling.
The Chair questioned about the terms of the importance of JAG accreditation for endoscopy services. It was explained that JAG was a national accreditation system for endoscopy services which involved inspection of physical facilities, the way the service was run and patient feedback. The Trust now had full accreditation for Central Middlesex Hospital and for Northwick Park hospital this currently conditional on the capital scheme that was outlined being progressed over the course of the next 12 months. Every other element of the Trust’s services had been reinspected and has passed the accreditation. The Trust was awaiting a date from JAG for inspection of the Ealing service and £350,000 had been spent refurbishing the units and full accreditation was expected by early 2023.
The chair commended the significant results and asked if this success which had reduced waiting times would be applied to address inefficiencies and replicated across the Trust. It was explained that the Transformation Team, was looking at different pathways to improve services such as plans to develop the Central Middlesex Hospital as a high volume, low complex site for elective orthopaedic centre.
RESOLVED: That the success of the move of non-complex St. Mark’s surgery and supporting services to Central Middlesex Hospital in response to Covid-19 be noted.
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