Agenda item

Integrated Care System (ICS) - Update


The Committee received a report from the northwest London Integrated Care System (ICS) and included updates on:  Covid-19 vaccination programme, inequalities framework, financial challenges, acute care, Mount Vernon cancer services, Mental health and Senior appointments.


The Chief Executive of the ICS introduced the report and gave a presentation that outlined the following:


·                 Though the vaccination programme had been a success there was also still more work to be done on the vaccination programme with other services to be potentially impacted because of the booster vaccine programme, however, it was reassured that emergency and urgent care would still go ahead alongside the booster programme.


·                 Cancer treatment patients would continue to be treated throughout the booster vaccination programme, in addition, patients that had been on the waiting list fora long time would also be seen to as soon as possible.  The impact on services was due to staff availability and being used for the booster programme.


·                 Covid-19 school strategies had varied from school to school, for example some schools had closed early due to a peak in cases while others had restricted movement within the school.  It was planned to give second doses of the vaccine to those aged between 12 and 15 in January 2022 as part of the national booster programme.  The uptake for those aged between 12 and 15 had been 42% for the first dose, it was hoped that over the holiday period parents would get their children (who were eligible) vaccinated.


·                 In conjunction with the Prime minister’s Covid-19 announcement the vaccination programme had meant that those over 18 could be given a booster jab 91 days after their second dose, a target had been set to get everyone over 18 jabbed for a third time.  This change in plan had meant the primary sites were to be moved and for longer opening hours to be implemented.


·                 There were 86 pharmacies that had done circa 50% of the vaccines, there were plans to open 6 community hospitals hubs, in addition, there were plans to attend large public events in order to encourage uptake of the vaccine.


·                 Efforts had been placed into the vaccine programme, however, waiting times had been considered for elective surgery so that waiting times did not fall back. It was anticipated that longer waiting times would be expected in light of the new vaccination programme.  However, priority had been given to cancer treatments, other urgent treatments and to those that had already been waiting for an extended period.


·                 Urgent treatment centres were noted to have worked hard on ensuring that only appropriate patients that go to A&E.  General Practitioners (GP) had been made aware that a balance between the delivery of the vaccination programme and the upkeep of general services needed to be maintained.


The Chair thanked them for the presentation and opened the floor to questions from the Committee which were answered as follows:


·                 A Member welcomed the work done on inequalities; however, it was requested if an insight could be given into the draft inequalities report and data metrics as this would allow for an input from representatives and their localities.  The Chief Executive of the ICS agreed that this could be sent to the Committee and would welcome comments.


·                 It was asked if more detail could be provided on the changes surrounding the underlined deficit.  To which the ICS Chief Executive explained that some changes had been due to the allocations as well as recurrent and non-recurrent underpinning deficits and that the partnership board paper would be sent to the Committee as this would provide further details.


·                 There had been substantive movement to Hillingdon hospital in order for the trust to be balanced for the financial year 2021/22, with a recovery team allocated to Hillingdon Hospital from NSH EI. 


·                 It was noted by a Member that packages received by residents were often printed in colour and wondered if costs could be reduced if this was avoided.  To which the Director of Communications and Engagement at NW London ICS explained that printing in colour had been avoided where possible, however they would look further into where else this could be achieved.


·                 Clarity was sought over the locations of planned surgical and diagnostic hubs, the Chief Executive for London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust explained these hubs would have the ability to fast-track diagnostic services and though locations were to be finalised Ealing would be one of the 4 locations for these hubs.


·                 It was asked if something could be done in relation to mental health and hospital discharges when it came to housing for these out-patients.  It was noted by the Chief Executive for London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust that work had been done for it be ensured that care could be given more appropriately to patients in their own setting.


·                 How might the new structures between the ICP and the ICS manifest and for patient voices to be included.  The Director of Communications and Engagement at NW London ICS highlighted that in line with the launch of the inequalities framework in early 2022, there were plans for public events to be held in each borough so that members of the public could contribute their thoughts around the response to the inequalities framework.


The Chair thanked health colleagues for their responses and closed the discussion. The Committee were invited to make recommendations with the following:




(1)            NHS NW London’s Chief Finance Officer provide the JHOSC with further financial information in relation to budget management and o include an update on Hillingdon Hospital;


(2)            detail on the approach to patient discharge and links to key services, particularly housing to be included in the mental health paper at the next JHOSC meeting.


As well as recommendations, a number of requests for information were made during the discussion, recorded as follows:


i.                For the Committee to be provided the Draft report and data metrics for the locality analysis on the NWL inequality framework.


ii.               For further detail on deficits, the Partnership Board papers to be provided.


iii.              For further details of the fast-track surgical Hubs to be made available to JHOSC.

Supporting documents: