Agenda item

Presentation on the Byron Quarter

To receive a presentation from Wates


Members received a presentation on Byron Quarter from the developer’s main architects, Sheppard Robson.  The proposed development is by WatesGroup.


In making the presentation, it was reported that:


§     the development was a revised scheme, and would comprise of 360 new homes.  These would be 50% affordable homes based on habitable rooms, and would allow the scheme to deliver additional larger family sized units;

§     the design would be for different types of family housing, with over 70% dual aspect apartment units on a typical floor;

§     around 65% family units would be 2-bedrooms and above;

§     the apartment sizes would be Nationally Described Space Standards sizes and above;

§     there would be 100 car parking spaces for residents, on a ratio of 0.3 and cycle parking spaces, plus a car club;

§     play space would be provided for children up to 15 years of age, as well as a space for 16- to 17-year-olds;

§     there would be a new public square, as well as new flexible commercial space;

§     the architecture of the development would reflect the local area; and

§     there would a public consultation at the Leisure Centre on Wednesday 8 December 2021, followed by an online consultation, as well as consultations with Ward Councillors.


Following the presentation, Members made comments and asked questions.


Clarification was sought as to the level of engagement with local residents.  The Panel was advised that there had been initial liaison with residents, and public consultation were planned to begin on 8 December 2021.  This would be followed with the creation of an online portal.  Thereafter, Ward Councillors would be consulted, with feedback taken, leading to a further round of public consultations.  The Member asked whether there was flexibility in receiving feedback to be included in future revisions of the development. It was advised that there would be.


In response to a Member’s question on the public transport accessibility level (PTAL) rating for the scheme, it was advised that it was between 3 and 4.  The Member further queried on how many electric charging points would be provided.  It was advised that there would be 20% electric charging points, which was policy compliant.


In response to a Member’s question, the developer clarified that 2 bedroomed units were considered to be family housing, in addition to units of 3 bedrooms and above.


The Member was concerned that having tall buildings on the edge of the park would impact on the park’s heritage.  The developer advised that tall buildings would enhance the relationship between the development and the park, and that consultations with the Council would be undertaken to work out an appropriate siting if deemed necessary.


A Member went on to express the view that the height was excessive.  The Member also expressed concerns on the limited number of car parking spaces, and requested if more could be considered.  Furthermore, it was not a car free development and that there might be an issue with the number of resident car parking spaces.  In addition, there was need to ensure that entry and exit points to the park were secured as the development was located in a crime-prone area. 


The developer acknowledged the issue of security, and the Interim Chief Planning Officer explained that the Police would be engaged to ensure that security was enhanced for the development.


However, a Member stated that it was imperative to plan for security measures at development stage in order to reduce anti-social behaviour and other vices that were prevalent in the area.


In terms of parking, a Member questioned what sustainable travel provision would be put in place to complement the reduction in parking spaces.  The developer advised that there would be an on-site car club for residents and in nearby locations.  Trends at existing similar developments had been considered when drawing up the proposals.


The Chair thanked the developer and attendees for the presentation and responses.


RESOLVED:  That the presentation be noted.