Agenda item

1/01 Harrow View East, Plots B1 and C1 (Development Zones B and C) P/4581/20


PROPOSAL:  full planning application for the development of Plots B1 and C1 at Harrow View East (former Kodak Factory) for residential dwellings, retail and community floorspace together with associated car and cycle parking, open space, landscaping and ancillary development including all necessary infrastructure works. Details Include: Building height ranging from 5 - 14 storeys and comprising 474 Residential units; Retail floorspace 456sqm (Use Class E); Flexible Community uses 649sqm (Use Classes E, F1 and F2).


Following questions and comments from Members, an officer advised that:


·                     this was the first amendment to have the height increased, and there was no limit on how many requests for additional floors could be made.  However, Officers would advise against more increases if they deemed so;


·                     parking spaces were not sold separately but were part of the sale of larger properties; and


·                     the portion of affordable housing units was 40%, and Harrow residents would be prioritised.  The remainder of units were “open market” and would be sold to who ever was interested.


Councillor Marilyn Ashton proposed refusal for the following reasons:


1.            the proposed increase in height of four storeys of Block H1 in Plot C1 would result in an over-bearing appearance in the street scene owing to its prominent location within the site to the detriment of amenities of future occupiers within the locality, contrary to policy CS1 Harrow Core Strategy (2012), London Plan D1 (2021), Harrow Development Management Policies (2013) DM1; and


2.            the cumulative increase in heights of numerous blocks throughout the plots would result in an over intensification of an already excessively intensive development and would result in a loss of amenity to future occupiers, contrary to policy CS1 Harrow Core Strategy (2012), London Plan D1, D2 (2021), Harrow Development Management Policies (2013) DM1.


The proposal was seconded, put to the vote, and lost.


The Committee resolved to accept officer recommendation.




1)            agree the reasons for approval as set out in the report;


2)            refer this application to the Mayor of London (the GLA) as a Stage 2 referral; and


3)            subject to the Mayor of London (or delegated authorised officer) advising that he is content to allow the Council to determine the case itself and does not wish to direct refusal, or to issue a direction under Article 7 that he is to act as the Local Planning Authority for the purposes of determining the application, delegate authority to the Interim Chief Planning Officer in consultation with the Director of Legal and Governance Services for the completion of the Section 106 legal agreement and other enabling development and issue of the planning permission, subject to amendments to the conditions, including the insertion or deletion of condition as deemed fit and appropriate to the development or the amendments to the legal agreement as required.  The Section 106 Agreement Heads of Terms would cover the following matters:


1.           Affordable Housing


·         Provision of 180 affordable homes: 71 shared ownership and 109  affordable rent;

·         10% of affordable rent accommodation to be constructed and ready for occupation as wheelchair standard home; and

·         Early stage review


2.           Carbon Offset


·         Payment of a total financial contribution of £685,669 towards carbon offset. Payable upon commencement of each phase on a pro rata basis; and

·         Provision of certification of actual/ as-built carbon emission achieved on site and payment of any shortfall in carbon reductions calculated at a rate of £95 per tonne of carbon to be offset per year, over a 30 year period.


3.           Design Scheme


·         To use reasonable endeavours to employ the main scheme Architect on an overseeing/ executive role until practical completion.


4.           Energy Centre


·         Connection of each phase to the Energy Centre on the wider Harrow View East masterplan site; and

·         Provision of a safeguarding route to a connection to any future wider District Heat Network.


5.           Community Uses


·         Delivery of 649sqm of community floor space; and

·         Process for the provision of the community space to the Council in the first instance.


6.           Highways and Parking


(a)  Travel Plan


·         Submission of a travel plan based on the framework travel plan for  each of Plots B and C prior to occupation and to cover an initial monitoring period of 5 years; and

·         Appointment of a travel plan co-ordinator.


(b)  Parking – Car Club Provision


·         Provision of one car club parking space within the site boundary; and

·         To enter into an agreement with an approved car club operator to operate the car club.


(c)  Highways Agreement


·         To use reasonable endeavours to enter into a Section 38 Agreement under the Highways Act 1980 (if deemed necessary).


7.           Employment and Training Plan


·         Payment of local Employment Contribution to the Council upon commencement of development and to be used towards employment and training initiatives within the Council’s administrative area; and

·         Submission of an employment, training and recruitment plan to the Council for its approval


8.           Public Art


·         Submission of a strategy to deliver public art on site up to the value of £200,000.


9.           Securement of Leisure use in Plot D5 (of wider masterplan)


·         Applicant to use reasonable endeavours to secure a leisure use within Plot D5 of the wider masterplan site (or such other plot as may be agreed with the Council), subject to receiving all necessary and relevant consents.


10.          Legal Costs and Monitoring Fee


·         Payment of section 106 monitoring fee upon completion of section 106 agreement (amount TBC); and

·         Payment of all reasonable legal fees upon completion of section 106 agreement.


DECISION:  GRANT – Subject to Legal Agreement


The Committee wished it to be recorded that the decision to grant the application was by a majority of votes.


Councillors Ali, Assad, Brown and Maru voted to grant the application.


Councillors Ashton, Baxter and Patel voted against the application.

Supporting documents: