Presentation from the Corporate Director of People.
Having varied the agenda order, the Sub-Committee received a presentation from NHS representatives setting out details on Harrow’s transition to a single CCG as well as progress on the Out of Hospital Plan.
NHS representatives outlined the presentation, focusing on the following key points:
· work was under way to complete the move towards setting up a single CCG for North West London by April 2021, as part of the integrated care system. Agreement from all eight CCG member practices had been received paving the way towards the merge allowing an application to be submitted to NHS England;
· collaboration played a key role in the process, with strong relationships between participating Local Authorities, specialists and medical partners already in place, united towards delivering change in Harrow;
· a number of work streams such as population health, economic regeneration and system delivery had been set up, which would seek to address pre-existing inequalities, facilitate community and staff engagement and support staff wellbeing. Specific modules had been set up within some of the work streams to help match aims with specific activities as well as identify any service gaps.
Members welcomed the update and in the followed discussion, asked a series of questions which were responded to as follows:
· delivering services to local residents remained at the heart of NHS’s ethos. All Harrow GP practices were open and able to see patients who needed face to face appointments in a safe and a secure way. However, it was important to maximise digital remote access opportunities to ensure the system did not get overwhelmed over the coming months. A bespoke approach was required in order to identify any digital exclusion and put mitigations in place;
· despite some initial operational delays in delivering stock supplies, the flu vaccination programme in Harrow had been successful, with over 67% of over 65s and 35% of at-risk groups vaccinated;
· as part of the new arrangements, the single CCG unit for North West London would have sole budget responsibility for funds received by NHS England, which would need to be managed efficiently and in line with set objectives. Money would be allocated to different partners on a case by case basis, with strict allocation lines expected to be followed. A key long-term priority was achieving consistency in the provision of services offered by the participating boroughs.
The Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People, who was present at the virtual meeting, wished to express her thanks to officers for their presentation and ongoing work. Referencing the presentation, she requested that the six recommendations which arose from the children and young people work stream be shared following this meeting.
Before moving on to the next agenda item, the Chair announced that this was the last meeting of Javina Seghal, Chief Operating Officer at Harrow CCG. On behalf the Sub-Committee, the Chair wished to thank Ms Seghal for her time and expertise and wished her every success in her future endeavours. Members also welcomed Sheik Auladin, Chief Executive Officer, Harrow, Brent and Hillingdon CCG, who would be attending future meetings.
RESOLVED: That the presentation on Progress on Out of Hospital Plan be noted.
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