Agenda item

Harrow Safeguarding Adults Board (HSAB) Annual Report 2018/2019

Report of the Corporate Director of People.


Under the Care Act 2014 the local Safeguarding Adults Board had 4 core (statutory) duties including one to publish an annual report.  The Sub-Committee received a report attaching as an appendix the Harrow Safeguarding Adults Board (HSAB) Annual Report 2018 – 2019 which set out an overview of safeguarding adults activity undertaken in 2018/2019 by the Council and its key partners through the work of the HSAB.


The Annual Report also set out the progress that had been made against objectives, analysed the referrals received and outlined priorities for the current year (2019/2020).


Some examples of the work carried out by the HSAB in 2018/19 were highlighted in the covering report and included:


·                     the HSAB and HSCB third joint conference in January 2019 had focussed on the trafficking of adults and children into slavery and exploitation.  Evaluation was almost 100% positive from the 150 multi-agency staff who had attended and there was a commitment from both Boards to continue collaborating on events in future years;


·                     3 “deep dive” statistical reports (looking at an area of safeguarding work in more detail) had been presented to the HSAB in 2018/2019 – sexual abuse by location and national comparisons (twice).  CNWL had also carried out a further analysis of the financial abuse statistics following the deep dive report presented to the HSAB in March 2018; 


·                     Mind in Harrow had facilitated 4 scams and fraud awareness sessions attended by over 50 of their service users, reporting positive feedback from participants; and


·                     London Northwest Hospitals NHS Trust (Northwick Park site) had incorporated domestic abuse into the training provided to Trust staff and located two Independent Domestic Violence Advocates (IDVA’s) in the Emergency Rooms at both Ealing and Northwick Park Hospitals to provide support to patients attending the hospital and as a crucial resource for front line staff delivering care.


The covering report went on to highlight some of the areas the Board intended to action in 2019/2020 and details of the support the Board received in terms of staff and resources.


The Sub-Committee was particularly asked to note the following changes since the 2017/2018 annual report and key messages:


·                     the appointment in June 2019 of Chris Miller as Independent Chair.  Being also the Chair of the Children’s Safeguarding Board the appointment provided more opportunities for bringing the work of the two Boards together;


·                     the inclusion of the issues highlighted in The Learning Disabilities Mortality Review Programme which had reviewed the deaths of people with a learning disability and to learn from these deaths;


·                     in Harrow elderly women remain the highest risk group with most abuse taking place at their home with family or partner being the most likely people alleged to have caused harm;


·                     the HSAB continued to prioritise awareness training for people living in their own home;


·                     Harrow remained slightly different to the national picture in respect of where the abuse took place with a greater number of concerns in the person’s home and less than the national average in care homes;


·                     an important strand of the HSAB’s work was prevention; and


·                     the Board’s annual conference joint with the Children’s Safeguarding Board on the topic Mental Health and Suicide Preventions across all Age Groups would be held on 31 January at the Harrow Arts Centre.


Following a question from Councillor Proctor for more details about the training programme, the Sub-Committee was advised that 1247 staff across all organisations had received some safeguarding adults training last year.  Mind in Harrow had provided induction training to over 50 new volunteers on how to report a safeguarding concern and the Council’s Safeguarding Assurance Team had organised training sessions on a number of issues including diabetes awareness and dementia challenging behaviour.  Comprehensive training was also provided for Council staff and basic training was also offered to Councillors with a session due to take place in March 2020.


Responding to a question from Councillor Borio about the key messages for the impending safeguarding adolescents peer review in mid November the Sub-Committee was advised that it would receive the response that the Corporate Director, People had prepared.


In connection with a question from the Chair, the Sub-Committee was informed that although all HSAB partner agencies were facing their own challenges, there was a strong commitment to safeguarding adults work in Harrow and whilst there was always more to do, progress was being made collaboratively.


RESOLVED:  That the work undertaken in 2018/19 by the Harrow Safeguarding Adults Board, together with its action plan for 2019/20, be noted.

Supporting documents: