Agenda item

Matter Arising from the Minutes of the meeting held on 17 December 2018


Minute 7 – Harrow Unison LG Branch and GMB Harrow Branch Report on Housing Directorate


A Unison representative expressed concern that the resolution at Minute 7, page 13 of the agenda, had not been actioned since the December 2018 meeting.  The representative stated that the Unions had not been informed of any progress/outcome and that no meeting(s) between the Unions and the Portfolio Holder had been facilitated as undertaken by the Corporate Director of Community.  He understood that the Housing Review process had continued.  He added that the lack of progress that had been made had further compromised the relationship with the Unions and he questioned the intended role of the Forum.  Moreover, the employer appeared to have failed to comply with the Council’s Recognition Agreement in relation to the Housing Review.


In response, the Divisional Director of Strategic Commissioning referred to the communication sent to the relevant Portfolio Holders and Unison by the Corporate Director of Community updating them on the progress and action taken following the last ECF meeting in regard to the Housing restructure.  He stated that two meetings had been held with management and the relevant Trades’ Unions.  The next steps agreed by all parties were:


(a)          officers to draft a report for the Portfolio Holders in response to issues raised at the December 2018 meeting of the Forum;


(b)          to present the report to the Portfolio Holders at a joint meeting with Management and the relevant Trades’ Unions;


(c)          to advise the Portfolio Holders of progress made in advance of the  meeting of the Forum scheduled to be held on 30 January 2019;


(d)          to review and record why the restructure process had not followed the ‘Change Management’ policies and procedures and identify the lessons learnt.


In response to questions from the Council side representatives, the Divisional Director of Strategic Commissioning replied that the communication had been sent to the Portfolio Holders for Housing and Finance and Resources.  He did not see why the shadow Portfolio Holders could not be given access to the communication and he undertook to take their request back to the Corporate Director of Community, although it was acknowledged that both shadow Portfolio Holders were also members of the Forum.


The Council side representatives present at the December 2018 meeting of the Forum stated that they had expressed strong views on the manner in which the Housing Review had been conducted and they were disappointed with the lack of action taken on the recommendation.  They too ought to be informed of the communication.


Following a question from a Unison representative about the date of the communication, the Divisional Director of Strategic Commissioning stated that it had been sent that day and that he had intended to provide feedback at this meeting.


Another Unison representative stated that it had taken some 6 weeks from the decision to communicate this message and he once again questioned the role of this Forum which he considered to be of no worth.  He was of the view that there was no meaningful consultation through the Forum.  He suggested that Unison refer the matter to the London Region.