Agenda item

Harrow Virtual School: End of Academic Year Report : 2017-2018

Report of the Interim Corporate Director of People Services.


The Forum received a report of the Corporate Director of People, which included an overview of the performance and standards of Children Looked After (CLA) at the end of Key Stages 1, 2 and 4; an analysis of their attendance data; an overview of the work of the Virtual School; and the development priorities for the Virtual School for 2018-19.


The Headteacher for Harrow Virtual School introduced the report and outlined the various aspects of the report.  Of particular note were:


-               whilst the overall CLA numbers on Roll of Harrow Virtual School had dropped, there had been an increase in the numbers at Key Stages 2 and 3;


-               employment and training – since the last report, one child had met expected standards across writing, reading and maths;


-               9.5% of pupils had an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), which was an increase from the previous year and this was due to the involvement of an EP (Educational Psychologist).  The work done in schools to identify learning needs of CLA had improved;


-               attendance – was of concern in both the Virtual School and across the Directorate.  An action plan had been put in place to address the issue and the report included a number of recommendations;


-               in the previous year, no CLA had been the subject of a Permanent Exclusion but Fixed term Exclusions remained an issue, particularly in Year 11.  She was looking at strategies to address this issue;


-               PEPs (Personal Education Plans) were at 90% but the aim was to reach 100%;


-               enrichment projects had been extended as a result of the funding received from the John Lyon’s Charity;


-               restructure of the Virtual School had been completed and included a range of skills and expertise and with more teachers on board.


In response to questions from Members, the Headteacher for Harrow Virtual School clarified that of the children with an EHCP, 94% were making good progress.  The number of CLA placed in mainstream education was 6%.  The two points above were not related.


A Member referred to paragraph 5.5 of the report and enquired about top-up funding and how this would be calculated.  In response, the Headteacher of Harrow Virtual School reported that schools received the pupil premium and 10% of schools applied for additional funding for ‘other’ needs.  She undertook to provide further information in this regard together with figures for top-up funding received by schools.


The Corporate Director of People referred to paragraph 2.3 of the report and the reference to 67 CLA from other local authorities who were educated in Harrow schools and the duty of care owed to them.  The Headteacher of Harrow Virtual School outlined the type of advice and information provided such as where CLA should be placed, sourcing of schools and accommodation.


The Chair made reference to paragraph 10.5 of the report relating to fixed term exclusions, particularly if these applied to those in Year 11 which she considered to be an important time in the life of children that age.  She asked if any strategies were being considered to reduce the number of exclusions in that year.  The Headteacher of Harrow Virtual School informed Members that work with schools was ongoing, particularly in relation to the behaviours being displayed in schools.  She added that the top five schools with a high number of fixed term exclusions had been identified and a company had been engaged to support these schools.  The company provided advice on how to work with children using techniques such as life studies.  Additionally, the number of PEP (Personal Education Plan) meetings had been increased and schools had been asked to contact her before excluding CLA and that this message had been taken on board.


RESOLVED:  That the performance of, and standards achieved by, Harrow’s CLA, in particular the improved performance of CLA at the end of Key Stage 4 together with school attendance data, be noted.


Reasons for Decision:  To be availed of outcomes for CLA in discharge of duties. To be availed of the performance of CLA pertaining to attendance which remained below England’s averages for CLA.  To be availed of attainment and progress at the end of Key Stage 4 which remained a priority for Harrow Virtual School.

Supporting documents: