Agenda item

Application to Vary a Premises Licence: Bombay Central, 328 High Road, Harrow, Middlesex HA3 6HS


RESOLVED:  To vary the premises licence subject to the following timings and conditions:


External Area


Hours Open to the Public and the sale of Alcohol


Monday– Thursday           

10:30 –22:00

Friday– Saturday

10:30 –23:00


10:00 –22:00


Special Extensions:

The special extension for New Years Eve does NOT apply to the External Area.




The following conditions are to be inserted in to Annex 3 of the Premises Licence:


1.                  No persons shall be permitted to smoke outside the rear of the premises after 22:00 hours Sunday – Thursday and 23:00 hours Friday – Saturday.


2.                  The maximum occupancy of the external area at any one time to be 80 persons (not including servingstaff).


3.                  Clear and legible notices shall be displayed in a prominent position near the exit door(s) requesting that customers leave quietly to avoid disturbing localresidents.


4.                  Clear and legible notices shall be displayed in a prominent position in any external areas where customers are permitted to smoke or drink requesting that they keep noise to a minimum to avoid disturbing localresidents.


5.                  Any security or other external lighting shall be carefully positioned and oriented to prevent lights shining into nearby residential properties and causing a nuisance.  Any lighting other than security lighting shall be switched off after 23:00 hours to prevent the occurrence ofnuisance.


REASONS:  The Panel carefully considered all the relevant information including:


·                     Written and oral representations by all theparties

·                     The Licensing Act 2003

·                     The Guidance issued under section 182 of the Licensing Act2003

·                     Harrow Council’s LicensingPolicy

·                     Human Rights Act 1998

·                     The considerations in s.17 of the Crime and Disorder Act1998

Supporting documents: