Agenda item

Application for a Licence for Broadfields Country Club, 220 Headstone Lane, Harrow, Middlesex, HA2 6NN

Report of the Divisional Director, Community Directorate


In attendance:


Legal Adviser:                                  

Licensing Officers:

Ms Victoria Seifert

Mr Jeffrey Leib, Mr Ash Waghela


Mr Sivashankar for Earnps Limited


Ms Georgina Sagnella

Ms Naomi Stevenson


RESOLVED:  To vary the premises licence subject to the following timings and conditions


Amendments to the premises plan.


The Panel agreed the amendments.


Licensable activities and hours permitted:



Hours open to the public

Live music, Recorded Music, Performance of dances, and similar, Provision of facilities for music and dance and similar

Sale of retail alcohol

Late night refreshment


1000 – 0100*

1000 – 0000

1000 – 0000

2300 0000


1000 – 0100*

1000 – 0000

1000 – 0000

2300 0000


1000 – 0100*

1000 – 0000

1000 – 0000

2300 0000


1000 – 0100*

1000 – 0000

1000 – 0000

2300 0000


1000 – 0200*

1000 – 0100*

1000 – 0100*

2300 – 0100*


1000 – 0200*

1000 – 0100*

1000 – 0100*

2300 – 0100*


1000 – 0000

1000   2300                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

1000   2300



Seasonal variations            


The existing seasonal variations to the licence are removed and replaced with the following:


(a)          The sale of alcohol by retail and other licensable activities to be extended by one hour on Sundays prior to a Bank holiday Monday.

(b)          The sale of alcohol by retail can be extended between the terminal hour on New Year’s Eve and the commencement hour on the following morning.


Removed Conditions


The following conditions will be removed from annex 2 of the licence: 2, 7, 8 and 10.


The following conditions will be removed from annex 3 of the licence: 5, 6


The Panel do not agree to the removal of condition 4, Annex 3.


Amended Conditions


The following conditions will be amended as follows:


Condition Number

Existing Condition

Amended Condition

Annex 2, 4.

SIA door supervisors is employed during busy periods

SIA door supervisors are to be employed for function room events, and the premises licence holder shall conduct a risk assessment for function room and events bookings to ascertain how many door supervisors may be needed for the function/event.  The premises licence holder shall seek or take advice from the police licensing holder for Harrow about the number of SIA door supervisors that may be required for any events and will adopt their recommendations.


Annex 2, 5

Incidents are logged and recorded in an incident report book

The Designated Premises Supervisor shall be responsible for maintaining a record for at least 12 months of "Significant Incidents" that occurs on the premises whilst licensable activities are being provided. Significant Incidents" to be recorded include (but are not limited to):

(a) failures of or faults with the CCTV system

(b) refusals of alcohol sales

(c) calls to the police arising from illegal drugs on the Premises

(d) other matters that may affect the licensing objectives

(e) assaults or other injuries whether or not police or medical assistance is required

(f) CCTV and electronic identification system records supplied to Police and Licensing Authority officers

(g) seizures of false identification


Annex 2, 6.

The premises operate a proof of age scheme

A Challenge 21 Policy will be in operation at the premises


Annex 2, 8

Door supervisors and management monitor the behaviour of customers leaving the premises and display signs encouraging customers to leave the premises quietly.

Door supervisors and management to monitor the behaviour of customers leaving the premises and prominent, clear and legible notices shall be displayed at all exits to the premises requesting patrons leave the premises quietly.

Annex 2, 11.

CCTV to be in operation whilst licensable activities are taking place in the premises and whilst the premises are open to the public.

(1) The Premises Licence Holder or Designated Premises Supervisor shall install and maintain a comprehensive CCTV system to the satisfaction of the Metropolitan Police. All entry and exit points must be covered enabling frontal identification of every person entering.

(2) The Designated Premises Licence Holder shall ensure that the CCTV system shall continually record whilst the Premises is open for licensable activities and during all times when customers remain on the Premises. All recordings shall be stored for a minimum period of 31 days with date and time stamping.

(3) Recordings shall be made available immediately upon the request of the Police or authorised officer of the Licensing Authority providing such requests are in connection with the prevention or detection of crime. Recordings are to be supplied in the form of a digital download burned onto a flash drive, DVD or CD disc.

(4) A staff member from the Premises who is conversant with the operation of the CCTV system shall be on the Premises at all times when the Premises is open to the public. This staff member shall be able to show Police or an authorised officer to the licensing authority recent data or footage with he minimum delay when so requested.

(5) All faults with the CCTV system shall be repaired as soon as possible and in any

case within two working days after which time, if the system is still inoperative no

licensable activities shall take place without the agreement of Harrow Police Licensing Officer and/or Licensing Authority until the fault is rectified.


Annex 3, 1

Doors and windows shall be kept closed when regulated entertainment is in progress

Allwindowsand external doorsshall bekept closedbetween21:00hours and08:00hours,orat any timewhen regulatedentertainment takes place,except for the immediateaccessand egressofpersons.


The following new conditions will be added to the licence


·                     A direct telephonenumber for the managerat the premisesshall be publiclyavailableat all timesthepremisesisopen.


·                     Thistelephone number istobe madeavailable to residentsinthevicinity.


·                     Save for a designated area for smokers, the external area will be closed after 22.00 pm.


·                     A designated cordoned off area for smokers will be provided outside the premises.  No more than 10 customers will be permitted in the outside smoking area at any one time.


·                     Noticesshall beprominentlydisplayedat anyareaused for smoking requestingpatronstorespect the needsoflocalresidentsand usethe areaquietly.


·                     A member of staff must monitor and control thesmokingareaafter 22.00 pm.


·                     The kitchen shall close at 22.30 pm.


·                     Noglasswasteincludingbottlesshall behandledexternallyafter22.00 pm.


·                     All deliveries shall be conducted during normal daytime hours to prevent noise nuisance.


·                     Loudspeakers shall not be located in the entrance lobby or outside the premises building.  Loudspeakers and other sound amplification equipment must not be directed outwards towards any street or residential building, or installed externally to the Premises.


·                     The gate to Broadfields Close shall be closed after 11.00 pm and all customers shall only be able to exit the premises from Headstone Lane after 11.00 pm.

Supporting documents: