Agenda item


To receive deputations (if any) under the provisions of Executive Procedure Rule 48 (Part 4D of the Constitution).


RESOLVED:  That, in accordance with Executive Procedure Rule 48 (Part 4D of the Constitution), the following deputation be received:


1.            Avanti House – to present key information regarding traffic and transport issues and mitigation measures in relation to the proposed scheme.


The first deputee made the following points:


·                     Avanti House was the first state funded Hindu Free school;


·                     the school had the support of 70% of local population and total support from the Education Funding Agency (EFA);


·                     the school was currently oversubscribed.  There were 500 pupils on roll and this figure would increase to 700 in September 2016;


·                     under plans for the proposed development, there would be extensive sporting facilities available at the school and an area of parkland for the use of local residents;


·                     the school had invested nearly £200k in the project.  The school would inject new life into the local area.


The second deputee stated that:


·                     the school had devised a detailed and ambitious School Travel Plan (STP) following consultation with and feedback from Council officers, TfL and local residents;


·                     the school had extensive previous experience in implementing a successful STP and was the only school in Harrow to have achieved TfL’s Gold accreditation for its STP;


·                     the school had liaised two other two local schools in its vicinity, Whitchurch and Stanburn, and had agreed staggered start and finish times and the intention to work closely with each other to co-ordinate events;


·                     TfL had carried out a detailed assessment of the STP and agreed to look into additional capacity for the 324, 340 and 79 bus routes;


·                     the school would be using a local private hire coach operator and there was flexibility in the service with regard to number of journeys and the number of coaches;


·                     the school would use car park marshalls at peak times and actively discourage 6th formers travelling to school by car;


·                     would deliver £1.5M mitigation works to the junctions in the vicinity of the school;


·                     the S106 agreement was a legal obligation and if the school did not comply with its responsibilities, then the Council would have the option of taking Enforcement action.


Following questions from the Panel, the Deputees advised that:


·                     investigations had revealed that it would not be possible to widen the junction at Wemborough Road and St Andrews Drive and converting the roundabout to traffic signals would be likely to lead to delays and queuing traffic;


·                     all pupils would be expected to be on site by 7.45 am and parents would be informed of any absences by 9.00 am;


·                     calculations in the STP had been based on a 2km walking and a 5km cycling catchment area;


·                     the school had achieved gold accreditation by consulting and responding to feedback from local residents;


·                     the private hire coaches would be dropping and picking up pupils from safe locations, such as bus stops as this was permitted.  Additionally, the school’s car park could also accommodate the coaches;


·                     the funding available from TfL would be used to implement an additional 186 bus on a shorter route at key periods.  The situation would be monitored and if demand exceeded capacity then TfL could be called upon to provide additional monies to further mitigate against this.