Browse meetings


This page lists the meetings for Council.


Information about Council

1.            Powers and Duties of the full Council


(a)          adopting and changing the Constitution;


(b)          approving or adopting the policy framework and the budget;


(c)          approving the statement of accounts;


(d)          approving any application to the Secretary of State in respect of any Housing Land Transfer;


(e)          appointment of the Mayor;


(f)           determining the size of the Executive;


(g)          appointing the Leader and Members of the Executive;


(h)          approving annually the Allocation of Responsibilities in Part 3 of the Constitution;


(i)            subject to the urgency procedure contained in the Access to Information Procedure Rules in Part 4 of this Constitution, making decisions about any Executive functions which are contrary to the policy framework or contrary to or not wholly in accordance with the budget where these have been referred to the Council by the Call In sub-committee;


(j)            agreeing and/or amending the terms of reference for the Committees of the Council, deciding on their composition and making appointments to them;


(k)          adopting the Scheme of Members’ Allowances set out in Part 6 of the Constitution;


(l)            appointing the independent members of the Standards Committee;


(m)         changing the name of the area, conferring the title of honorary alderman or freedom of the borough;


(n)          confirming the appointment of the Head of Paid Service or the dismissal of the Head of Paid Service, Chief Finance Officer or Monitoring Officer;


(o)          deciding whether to reject or uphold an appeal against a disciplinary sanction (including dismissal) imposed on an officer by the Chief Officers’ Employment Panel;


(p)          making, amending, revoking, re-enacting or adopting by-laws and promoting or opposing the making of local legislation or personal bills;


(q)          to determine the meaning of “significant” in relation to “key” decisions (Article 13 refers);


(r)           deciding whether to make a delegation of a non-Executive function or accept a delegation of a non-Executive function from another Authority;


(s)          to receive reports and consider recommendations from the Executive, Scrutiny, Standards and other Committees as appropriate;  and


(t)            making appointments of Members to outside bodies; and


(u)          all other matters which by law must be reserved to Council.


Information on how to submit a petition, deputation or public question is available on the council website.