The Chief Officers’ Employment Panel has the
following powers and duties:
to make recommendations to Council on the
appointment of the Head of Paid Service;
to appoint and dismiss Chief Officers excluding the dismissal of
the Chief Financial Officer and Monitoring Officer;
to make recommendations to Council on
the dismissal of the Head of Paid Service, Chief Finance Officer
or Monitoring Officer in cases of
redundancy, permanent ill health or the expiry of a fixed term
to consider recommendations from the Statutory Chief
Officers’ Disciplinary Panel and decide whether to impose a
disciplinary sanction in accordance with such a recommendation;
to consider whether to impose a disciplinary sanction on a chief
officer other than where a recommendation from the Statutory Chief
Officers’ Disciplinary Panel is required;
to approve remuneration packages of £100,000
or over for any Council post; and
to report back to Council for information purposes
on all such approved remuneration packages;
to approve any severance packages for Officers of
£100,000 or over irrespective of the grade of
to report back to Council for information purposes
on all such approved severance packages.