Browse meetings

Licensing Panel

This page lists the meetings for Licensing Panel.


Information about Licensing Panel

(i)       To determine applications and to make Orders in respect of:


·         licences, permits, registrations and certificates;

·         Rights of way, footpaths and bridleways and the enjoyment of the highway;

·         Street naming and numbering;

·         Markets and fairs and other street trading;

·         Car park orders and variations;

·         Registration of common land, town greens and variations of rights of common;


                where objections have been received.


(ii)      To determine applications and to make Orders in respect of:


·         Safety certificates for sports grounds;

·         Matters regarding film classification;

·         Rules and Regulations established by the authority;

·         Fees issues within the terms of reference of the Panel;

·         Applications under Part II and Schedule 3 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1982) as amended from time to time.


(iii)     To determine waivers and variations on matters determined by the Licensing and General Purposes Committee, Cabinet or Council.


(iv)     Specific delegations under the Licensing Act 2003 and Gambling Act 2005 are set out in the Licensing Policy and Statement of Principles under Gambling Act 2005.


(v)      Without prejudice to the generality of the above sections, in the case of alcohol control provisions in the Licensing Act 2003 as might be amended, and related legislation, regulations, orders, guidance, etc, to determine the following matters:


Applications for personal licences where:

·         Representations have been made, but remain unresolved.

·         Applicants have relevant unspent convictions.


Matters relating to the licensing, certification and authorisation at premises where:


·         Representations have been made to an application, but remain unresolved.

·         There is an unresolved police representation to an application to vary a designated personal licence holder, or to the transfer of a premises licence.

·         There is an unresolved police representation to the application for an interim authority, or to a Temporary Event Notice.

·         An application is made for the review of a premises licence or club premises certificate.

·         Matters of an exceptional nature that in the officer’s opinion justify consideration by the Licensing Panel.


[Appeals against decisions of the Licensing Panel must be made to the Magistrates’ Court.]


Information on how to submit a petition, deputation or public question is available on the council website.