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Performance and Finance Scrutiny Sub-Committee

This page lists the meetings for Performance and Finance Scrutiny Sub-Committee.


Information about Performance and Finance Scrutiny Sub-Committee

The Performance and Finance Sub-Committee has the following power and duties:


1.         To be the key driver of the scrutiny function’s work programme and the body responsible for monitoring the performance of the council and partners in relation to their stated priorities;


2.         To consider/monitor, on an exception basis, the financial and service performance of the organisation;


3.         To consider/monitor the performance of the council’s partners;


4.         To undertake specific investigation of identified ‘hot spots’ through Q&A, reports or challenge panels – subject to endorsement by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee;


5.         To refer ‘hot spots’ to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for more detailed investigation where necessary;


6.         To consider such urgent items as are appropriate – ad hoc, Councillor Calls for Action, area scrutiny.


(This Scrutiny Sub-Committee was formed in July 2007.)


Information on how to submit a petition, deputation or public question is available on the council website.